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Narrator ☆


here is just something about Vasco's determination that Jace admires. Since they were kids, he would just keep persevering through every situation. Even with what all happened in Middle School.

In times like this, when Vasco's self righteousness shone as if like a blinding star, Jace felt nostalgia grip his heart. It brought him back to the times of when they would play at their local playground- always passing time in the game of heros. Jace still has the cape he would wear, because in that moment- in that timeline- there wasn't an ounce of worry shared between one another.

They were kids, whom didn't need to concern themselves with the likes of crime or adult things.

But of course, they had to just get involved with it.

Vasco sighed from where he sat, his dark eyes narrowed into a serious gaze. His face said all, he's had a glimpse himself. He knows what will happen when people from the wrong crowd gets involved.

The tattoos and the motivation for his continuing journey in being fit are all too well known consequences.

Jace frowned slightly, he hoped they won't see the wretched blond haired man from all those years ago. It took a while for Vasco to move on, to not be scared anymore.

He rested a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Bro, we'll find him. It's going to be alright."

Vasco sighed once more, casting his attention onto Jace. He gazed down at him, his eyes filled with worry and fear.

"What if we don't reach him in time? What if he isn't okay?" The architecture student asked as he fidget with his hands.

"I'm sure he will be. Tae-Moon's survived this long."


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Tae-Moon screamed and thrashed. His lungs and mind became filled with nothing but cold, icy water. He tried to grip at anything, but could only find the white, pearly marble of the bath tub. The boy tried to push himself away, but he just couldn't. Bubbles flew around his head as he continued to yell into the flowing water. His chest burned and body trembled. Fear held a harsh grip on his heart. He kept his eyes clenched, unable to open them.

The rough hand on his hair didn't even falter- not even when Tae-Moon's body slowly became limp and the water flowed over the tub's walls. The man continued to hold him down, drowning him and his screams. His grip is like iron, unmoving and fierce. He's mad, horribly and dreadfully angered. The teen could only pray at this point, hoping that he would be saved from what seemed to be his looming death.

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