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☆ Lee Tae-Moon ☆

"Tae~! Let's go out to play!"

His breath hitched and caught in his throat as the words of an unfamiliar but strangely known girl swirled in his mind, repeating like a broken record tape.

Tears sprung in his dark, tired eyes. He continued to rush through the crowd, even when it seemed as if every head that turned to him adorned the same face.

Dark, doe eyes that hold a misty gaze, tanned skin and rosy cheeks: the face of her.

Who is she? Why do I keep on seeing her? Hearing her?

She is like a forgotten dream- one I so desperately yearned to remember. It is as if she is the key to all that is locked away.

The girl, to Tae-Moon, resembled a cool breeze in the hot summer. Something about her bright and soft eyes chilled his spirit.

"Do you want me to push you now?" She giggles aftwards, which sounded like sweet music to him.

"Or-" A sudden dark turn came to his mind. Fog invaded his senses as a dark storm cloud loomed over.

"-would you like to visit my friends from the academy?"

Tae-Moon came to a dead end.

Shit! I wasn't paying attention! Maybe I can climb over the wall?!

The sound of thundering steps pushed the teen into doing so.

"Fuck it- I'm Spiderman now, asshole!" He called out, giggling maniacally as tears continued to still run down his flushed cheeks.

As he climbed up the stiff, brick wal, Tae-Moon felt excited.

He was going to get away-!

Tae-Moon clenched tightly onto each Jagged edge, blood spilling from his nails. However, he didn't care. The teen continued on. He practically threw himself at the rail bar that rested at the top.

His body felt on fire, adrenaline was coursing through his veins in hot flashes. He gripped tightly onto the bar and preceded to lift himself as a crazed smile graced his lips.

Fuck those guys! They can kiss my ass and eat my dirt-

Rough, slender and large hands grabbed onto his waist and pulled him down.

A scream caught in his throat and instead a choked gasp was released.

Tae-Moon saw the bar go further and further away, the shining light of victory scurrying away as well.

Tears of desperation spilled as he turned around and raised his fist.

The boy connected his hand to the man's face.

But he didn't falter one bit.

He looked up in a fearful awe, his eyes wide and mouth opened in shock.

The sleeked, black haired man's glasses broke off.

A scar was revealed, one that stretched like an x across the upper part of his face.

However, that wasn't the most shocking part.

Pitch black eyes with a white selca stared down at him, into his very own soul.

Tae-Moon was breathless, he had never seen such a thing. It was strange- to say the least.


A deep, mocking chuckle pulled him from his jumbled thoughts.

The man clenched tightly onto his waist, earning a wince and pained expression from the other.

He leaned down and close to his ear.

"Look what you did, brat." He whispered, Tae-Moon could feel his smile press against his hot skin.

The dark haired male had no words to say, he felt deeply, deeply afraid.

A dangerous aura surrounded the tall, built stranger and swarmed his senses like a typhoon.

Feeling his lips on his skin caused a shiver to run down his spine.

But he didn't do anything, only stood there in utter silence. He broke it by letting out a deep sigh, his minty breath that tickled his skin sent another shiver across his already shaking body.

"Why don't you listen, hm?" He asked, playing with his waist by clenching and then softly holding it, cruelly massaging it.

The boy stayed silent.

Tae-Moon wanted to fight back, to give this guy a piece of his mind.

But his instincts screamed at him to do other wise. He had to play slowly- run when given the right chance to.

The man pulled away from tingling skin and locked eyes with the teen. They held a silent gaze for a second before Tae-Moon was gripped tightly onto once again and pulled closer.

"You are so very brave for someone who is pathetically weak." He stated in a low, velvet tone. His eyes slit as a crazed smirk graced his lips.

"And that is so attracting. Tell me why is that? Hm? What do you have in you? What is your purpose?"

Purpose?! This guy can't be serious.

A ting of annoyance spiked Tae-Moon's body. His dark eyes slit as well, but not in an amusing expression.

Anger an fear mixed into two.

He had to get out of this situation, I shouldn't be treated like this!

Tae-Moon raised his quivering hands and locked onto the man's large pair- that still held onto his waist with a deathly grip.

"Because I don't deserve to be treated like this. And my purpose right now?" The boy continued after straightening his posture and standing on his toes to invade the man's space.

"My purpose is to go home and be left alone so I can watch some K-Dramas in peace." With that, he dropped down back onto his feet and made a swift kick to the his knee-caps.

Giving a smile when the other male faltered and pulled away.

Tae-Moon didn't waste any time. He ripped the man's hands off of him and took off down the alley.

Gun, as he saw the boy run, threw his head back and smiled wide.

"Oh this is going to be fun."

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