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When the duo arrived at school, Tae-Moon departed kindly from his newest acquaintance. He now stands in front of an old vending machine. His mind is empty; however, the heart and soul of his body feels energized.

For once a pool of anxiety didn't take its place in his gut.

Daniel seems like a good person. He held no resemblance to the likes of Dagyum, Goo, and Gun. Surrounding him is a warm glow, which explains why so many people gravitate towards him.

Tae-Moon, in the midst of his admiration, acknowledges his strange feelings towards his fellow peer. He came to the realization that a weird feeling settles unto his chest when Daniel is near.

The teen groans and places his head against the glass of the vending machine.

What the hell....

He's never felt this way before.

Of course embarrassment and shyness had taken ahold of him before, but nothing quiet like this. Tae-Moon didn't even want to dive into why and how this is happening. He decided to just chalk it up to nerves.

Yeah, that's probably right. I'm not used to this... I was treated like crap by those guys...

The words of Daniel Park intercepted and resurfaced in his mind when he's grabbing his water and bag of chips from the machine.

Guilt became a frequent traveler upon his consciousness.

He wanted to apologize to Vasco and Jay for turning them away. Yet, the teen thinks it's best to just leave it as it is between them all.

Tae-Moon sees himself as a monster. He feels uncomfortable in his own skin. An urge to scratch his body till it is just bones and broken tissue had developed within him. He knows now he wouldn't be the same ever again.

Regret is a word he relates to often. In this sense, it was for discovering his past. Ignorance really is bliss.

Tae-Moon sighs and takes a drink of his water before heading off to class.



Class was slow and boring for Tae-Moon. He found himself almost falling asleep, and would have, if it weren't for Zoe's pencil thumping against the desk. The soft sound was accompanied by the ticking of the clock and their teacher's monotone voice.

Fortunately, the bell for lunch rang.

Tae-Moon had blew a sigh of relief and went on his way to the roof. He was so close to skipping the rest of class if the bell hadn't went off.

He spent this next period eating and gazing softly at the sky. His mind had wandered freely, lost in a sea of thoughts of which no answers could be found.

Upon the bell signalling for the next class, Tae-Moon's day took a drastic turn.

His calm demeanor fizzles into anxiety when the class is assigned a project. It was to be completed in groups of three to five. He anxiously looks around the room, everyone is quickly joining together.

The teen's stomach churns when his eyes lock onto Daniel's. He smiles down at Tae-Moon and gestures to join his group with a nod of his head. His heart thumps rapidly and palms feel sweaty. He debates internally on what to do, weighing his options.

This project could overall make or break my grade. I don't know if I could recover if I fail...  I hope that teacher steps on a lego.

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