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☆ Lee Tae-Moon ☆

    After racing out of class, Tae-Moon made his way towards where, he presumed is, the cafeteria. Just Follow the other students and blend in. The petite male thought, brushing his dark hair away from his round shaped glasses.

However, his frizzy, long bangs still kept falling back onto his face. Annoyed, he huffed. I really need to do something with these-

His attention was captured and refocused by sudden and loud, steady steps coming from behind him.

He tightened the grip on his backpack upon looking back and noticing that a group of guys, all dressed in the same outfits, following him. Fuck, they look like gangsters. Tae-Moon bit his lip and turned towards the front in nervousness, his time in the Juvenile detention center weighing heavily on his heart and mind.

The boy didn't want any trouble, and most certainly didn't want to become the center of attention if a fight was to unravel. Just keep minding your own business, they hate it when you look at them. He thought to himself, hurrying his pace a bit.

Tae-Moon was set on not looking back. However, a feeling of morbid curiosity started to eat at his heart. He didn't want to; he really didn't want to...

But... what can it hurt to look?

I mean- we are at school, so no problem?

After taking a small deep breath and letting it out slowly, the pale boy turned around.

His eyes widened once he saw that the one up front, who he presumed is the leader, glaring down at his small frame.

A shiver ran down his spine. Fuck, I really shouldn't have done that. What the hell, Tae-Moon!

The teen turned towards the front once more, now forcing his way around the students. Once he saw the doors to the cafeteria come into view, Tae-Moon smiled. To make it to them, the petite boy took wide, hurried steps.

However, a hand that clenched tightly onto the boy's shoulder both pulled him back and wiped the smile off of his face. He tried to run to out of the unknown person's hand, but the strong, iron grip they had on him caused Tae-Moon to bite his lip in frustration.

Damn it! What the hell-

Before he could even finish his thought, the pale boy was turned around.

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