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☆ Lee Tae-Moon ☆

Light chatter surrounded the large store, racks of clothing being moved and looked at by the people around Tae-Moon. He took in the sights with curious, wide eyes, gazing at the fancy looking and high class brands.

Everything about the establishment was new to him, otherworldly. He wasn't used to such lavish looking items- all presented nicely for him to try on or buy. This new setting surprisingly didn't stress out the boy. No, he found peace as he strolled through each aisle and ran his finger tips across the silk and soft material.

How pretty...

Tae-Moon thought to himself, humming lightly as he examined each piece of material and cloth. He made sure to look st the clothes that were of his size, keeping in mind of his weight and height gain since becoming fit.

The teen smiled as he picked out three casual, baggy at the bottom, and slightly high-waisted jeans- as well as three black dress pants. The articles of clothing hung in his arm as he continued on to the dress shirt area, grabbing three whites and three blacks.

Tae-Moon then picked out a pair of dress shoes, settling all the items on the nearest checking-out counter.

The woman at the desk smiled and eyed him as she scanned each shirt and pants.

"Did you find everything you need?" She asked politely, her voice sweet and fine kind. The dark haired male nodded and smiled back. "Yes." He answered simply as he fished in his jeans pocket for what Dagyum gave him.

"You're total is ₩403,306.50. Will that be paid in cash or card, sir?"

"Card, ma'am." Tae-Moon spoke softly, pulling out the black card and handing it to the clerk. Her eyes widened, but her smile didn't falter. She swiped the piece of plastic and then handed it back to the boy, bowing after she handed his purchased items.

"Come back soon, sir. Have a nice day."

"You too." With that, he left.

The teen took his time to get home, going different routes by taxi and bus.

Paranoia struck him deep after the situation with the three men. He was practically kidnapped for the night, forced into a limousine and then tracked down by Goo and Gun. Not only that, he was also beat up on. Tae-Moon felt violated even more now that they known where he lives.

What happened this morning being the center cause of his fear.


"Ready to go?"

It was Dagyum stansing at his front door.

The tall and older man towered the other, standing at 6' while he stood at 5'5. It was awkward, Tae-Moon only in his pajamas with a toothbrush hanging from his mouth as he stared up at him.

"Well?" He pressed, raising a brow at the teen's slightly disheveled appearance.

The teen forced a tight smile and went back inside. He then got ready and put on his shoe. He made sure to leave his phone, taking note of the new app Mr. Park put on his phone to track him after the... "incident".

Upon turning off the lights and living room TV, Tae-Moon locked the front door and left.

Upon turning off the lights and living room TV, Tae-Moon locked the front door and left

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THE identity crisis I went through OMGOODNESS

Here's a short chapter, sorry for any errors.

This a filler but don't worry

The fun will begin shortly >:)

I feel in the mood for picking things up more quickly

At this point, if I were to take go the original route, there will be like... five filler chapters after this? Pretty much just going over his work and school life.

Which I'll still do, but instead of five I'll do two long and detailed chapters. Pretty much it's written how I should write but don't because whelp idk.

Anyway, happy October day and good day to all who live, laugh, love 🍳🔥.

~moon babe

Ouu also some lore on Tae-Moon's past will be dropped in the two chapters and most likely discretely. So there's a hint ig idk :>

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