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☆ Lee Tae-Moon ☆

Tae-Moon bit his lip once the car became silent.

It was a done deal, he would be dropped off at a convenience store; which, unbeknownst to them, is a fifteen minute walking distance from the apartment complex.

The boy felt pride soar in his chest, as well as relief.

He felt grateful that they took his story and believed it. Even though it will be a long walk, Tae-Moon deemed it all will be worth it in the end.

The student slid his hand towards the right pocket of his uniform pants, a sudden realization coming to mind.

Don't I have money?

Upon feeling the crinkled paper, a small smile painted his bruised and cut, pink lips.

Ah, I'll buy me a cold, iced drink to help with the swelling...-

"What's with that smile, huh?" Goo asked, his smooth, playful voice echoing in Tae-Moon's aching head.

The petite boy left his hand to lay limp on his thigh as he looked up. He allowed his shoulders to ease once he looked into the older man's eyes.

Should I tell him?

Thinning his lips, Tae-Moon shrugged.

"It's been... a long night. I just want to go home." He said, lowering his eyes back towards the dark tinted window. Goo huffed and smirked.

"Alright kid, whatever you say-"

The older, blond-haired man stopped mid-way into his sentence, the action drawing Tae-Moon's swollen, dark eyes back to him.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion upon seeing the man give him a look of suspicion.

"I know you."

His words let alone made the pale boy's stomach drop and heart beat to quicken.

He felt utterly sick.

Tae-Moon's hands grew clammy, resting them instead on his lap.

"No?" He whispered, asking- but also internally begging the blond did not.

Where could he have seen the student anyway? It's not like Tae-Moon goes anywhere! There's no way-

The elevator?

If the boy could, he would throw up on the spot. His nerves felt shot, as if he was going to pass out in that very moment. He tried to calm himself internally by breathing easy, deep breaths.

However, that didn't seem to work.

Goo chuckled and nodded his head.

"Holy shit it is! Damn! I didn't even recognize you at first. Wow..." The man drew a breath before letting it out. He then leaned forward and presented Tae-Moon with a playful, but malicious smirk.

"...they really beat your face in, huh? Funny thing actually, you don't live in the neighborhood we are taking you to....

Why did you lie? I don't like liars."

Tears fell slowly down Tae-Moon's bruised face. Panic and overall what Doo Lee did to him had finally settled in.

He couldn't keep it in any longer.

The only thing the teen could do was hang his head, close his eyes, and shrug.

"I didn't want strangers knowing where I lived..." He whispered, his soft voice laced with fear.

Are they going to throw me out? Beat me up? Steal from me?

The possibilities of what they could do to him were endless- and Tae-Moon was frightenined by them all.

I really wish I was with Mr. Park...

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