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☆ Lee Tae-Moon ☆

A slender but large hand gently shook the dark haired teen. The movement causing him to wake and bat his sore eyes. He looked up and saw Goo- who, for once, held a peaceful expression.

"We're here." He whispered lowly.

Tae-Moon nodded and pulled away from the man, resting back onto his own seat.

"Is that man- Gun- here?" His voice soft and tone holding a slightly fearful note.

Goo chuckled and nodded. "Yes, but if you behave there won't be any issues." He stressed the word, reaching out with his left hand towards him.

The boy hummed and closed his eyes as the blond-haired man fixed his bangs.

"You know, there's a dress code you will have to follow. How about tomorrow I'll have a hair appointment set up for you?" He asked absently before pulling away.

Tae-Moon opened his glassy eyes and nodded. "Yeah... that sounds nice..." The student whispered, casting his eyes to the hand that punched him.

He still felt terrified and knew that- if he was going to get out of this in one peice- he'll have to go along with whatever they want- play it slow and smart. The boy wanted to run away or fight back. But he knew that he simply couldn't.

These guys were completely maxed out in skill and strength. They reminded him of the those bosses from the arcade games he used to play before....

Before the accident...

Tae-Moon was brought out of his thoughts when Goo pulled him close once again. He stared up at the other with a confused gaze. Goo smiled softly and played with the teen's hair.

"You know, I'm sorry for what I did. You should have listened, been a good boy... I wouldn't have done that." He said, sliding his other hand down and up his back in a soothing movement.

"I won't do that again if you behave... do you understand?"

The tired male felt sick to his stomach. He knew in his mind and heart that, that wasn't true.

He shouldn't be treated like that- he doesn't deserve this. He's been kidnapped! How else is he supposed to react?

But... I have done something horrible in the past... so maybe... maybe..

Tae-Moon lowered his head and buried it in Goo's shoulder.

He's confused, does he deserve this? Should his past actions bring this upon him? Like karma? Tae-Moon knows he's hurt people- murdered them in cold blood. So, does that mean this is his way of being punished?

Tae-Moon's logic confused even himself.

The boy refocused and distanced himself from his thoughts. It wouldn't serve him right to thinking like that in his current situation. He needed to play the game, slow amd steady- as well as alert.

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