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☆ Narrator ☆

[Warnings: Sexual assault/harrasment]

Soulful, beautiful jazz drifted along the classy dining area. The movement of the waiters and waitresses matches with every beat and note of which played. They are quick and precise, making an impression on the VIPs they skillfully serve. The guests look to be of high social standings. Their jewels and the shiny fabric of the clothes they wear glimmer under the dim lights.

The scene unfolding before Tae-Moon's dark eyes is tranquil and beautiful. It felt as if he didn't belong I'm such a place. It's devine for him, but to them ordinary.

The teen, if he could, would paint this sight.

It was nice to have a little part in this nightlife scene, even if he's a speck in the background. He just felt grateful for being in this place and time. No more was Tae-Moon locked up, shut out from the outside world- trapped with the other juveniles, whom didn't shy away from acting on and taking out their every will and whim on anyone.

In hindsight, he merely traded a prison for another - a significantly alluring one. A colden cage with a beast inside- dare to enter and you shall be ensarred in his jaws. By sight, he doesn't look like a monster. No, he's handsome; perfect skin, perfect pink hair, sharp eyes and jawline, and a tall and broad stature... features of an idol.

He both fools and charms everyone around him, truly an alluring person- just like his seemingly perfect prison.

What Tae-Moon didn't know, is that mistakenly has entered such golden cage. The beast watches him, a prowler of some sort, with a cunning gaze. He has a plan and will pursue it.

Like a gun going off in the dead silence, it'll be mind numbing and heart stopping.

Tae-Moon will be ensarred, hurt by the end.

But the kid had already been.

He who watches the rich eat and splurge away their money, he who is entranced by such a worldly sight, is already hurt.

Deep away in the crevices of his mind is locked away the truth. A fiery, sinful truth.

Dagyum Kang watches from the balcony of the restaurant's second floor. A cup of red, bubbly champagne rests in his hand. He smiles and takes a sip.

He watched the teen work down below, waiting tables without mistake.

Good, the man thought, perfect...

Everything is slowly coming together. It will take time, but soon all will be done rightfully so. He'll have his final revenge on annoying cult. He's taken out most of the first generation kings. But the last- in that moment- slipped from his grasp.

Fire, so much fire blanketed the Earth. He's never seen such destruction- such passion and anger.

All caused by a little kid, a scrawny twig with no meat on his bones. But under the hair that covered his face, were fierce and strong willed eyes. And beneath all that was an even more determined spirit. Vengeful the kid was- and rightfully so.

Most were claimed by the flames. Of course, except for the damned 1st Generation King, a wolf in sheep's clothing type of a man. And Dagyum accepts Tae-Moon to be the perfect catch to throw out into the sea...

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