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Tae-Moon ☆

When Tae-Moon came to he's laying on Mr. Park's office floor. He winced from the roaring headache that set upon him and struggles to stand up. His palms ache and are bright pink while his face is tear stained. He hesitantly touches his ears, expecting there to be blood on the skin.

The teen's eyebrows foward after not feeling anything. Confusion rattled his mind. He didn't want to believe what he saw was a dream. Everything was so vivid; from the fire and smoke, to the creature and Priest. Tae-Moon sighs. A feeling of relief came over him.

He's safe now.
They can't get him- they can't hurt him.

With a stifled groan, he stands up and investigates the office.

The shelves are neat, nothing is shattered, and there is a scent of some fabreeze smell in the air instead of sulfur. A sigh escapes from his lips. He picks up the files, of which were strewn about on the desk, and tucks them under his arm.

Tae-Moon didn't waste any time to get out of there.

A great deal of time had considerably passed, he realized, while the terrors he foresaw had taken place. It's morning now. The sunny light seeps through the curtains and shine perfectly in the quiet home.

Tae-Moon had stuffed the folders containing his past deep in his closet. He figures he'll make a layout of everything on the wall hidden behind the clothes after school.

Mr. Park hasn't come home in a while. The teen idly played with his instant noodles and fried egg.

I miss the old man's cooking.

The teen reflects on the different types of food he could make. Most of the time they would have American pancakes, eggs, and sausage.

"They can make some good food. That's the only thing I like about them." He remembers his social worker saying one warm morning just like this one. Tae-Moon chuckles at the thought.

He appreciates how the two have grown on each other. Mr. Park isn't as strick and snappy. He can have his moments though, and usually when that happens Tae-Moon blames his old age.

Now that he knows of his past, everything felt off. It was strange.

Why is he nice? Shouldn't he be condemning me? Don't I deserve to be treated horribly?

His headache worsens when the string of questions floods his mind. Surely there must be a reason. This man was a cop and investigator for a long time. What made him be his social worker? Tae-Moon realizes in this moment just how mysterious the old man is.

However, he doesn't have the urge to dig into Mr. Park's life. Fear of disappointment settles into his bones. It would be life altering if he found something horrifying.

With this resolution in mind, he picks up his chopsticks and eat his poor excuse of a breakfast.

I really need to learn how to cook...

Tae-Moon's journey to school is usually peaceful. Though, fate sought to oppose this routine. He is accompanied by the new student, Daniel Park. This...unfortunate event, was caused by the bus breaking down near where he lives and his roommate works.

The tall and handsome teen had waved him off the bus and insisted they walk together. Tae-Moon wanted to stay put. However, if he had, he would've been late to school.

So they walk together, making idle chat and discussing assignments from the day before.

"So you work out?" Daniel ask Tae-Moon out of the blue. His dark eyes focus on him and a soft smile graces his lips. A disturbing heat rested on the other male's cheeks. He found himself being forced to look away and clear his throat.

"I- yes. My progress has been great. I've slightly bulked up and have a higher stature." Tae-Moon says, pride evident in his tone. Daniel hums. "My friend- the other daniel- wanted to know. He also said you've changed a lot in looks..." The teen seems to hesitant his last words, so the sentence was left at that.

Tae-Moon nods. He was curious to hear what he wanted to say. Yet he couldn't find the words to do so. Their walk continued on in silence.

It was when they round the corner and the gates of their school could be seen that Tae-Moon spoke up.

"So, how has Jae-Won High been going?"

Daniel shrugs. "Alright for the most part. I've made a lot of friends... some guys tried to fight me though." He explains, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

Tae-Moon's eyes widen. He's shocked to hear such information. His taller companion seem to be endearing and kind. Above all Daniel is handsome, his is the poster for Korean male beauty standards.

"What! Do you plan on still... interacting with others?" The teen knows his question is strange, but embarrassment still seeped into his system when Daniel raised his brows. He wanted to know though, could he be the same as him?

"No. I came here to get a fresh start. I'm sure things will get better." Daniel smiled. The expression warmed Tae-Moon's heart.

His companion's words looped like a broken record in his mind.

Perhaps... maybe Mr. Park is wrong regarding the topic of friendships...

The teen gazes onward with a thoughtful look.

He didn't mind when the conversation is consumed by silence. Tae-Moon hopes the rest of his day will continue this peacefully.

 Tae-Moon hopes the rest of his day will continue this peacefully

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Ayee another chapter

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