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☆ Tae-Moon ☆

It's bone chilling to reflect on his own past actions. A shudder runs up and down his spine when thoughts of fire, eyes full of terror, and sinister whispers consume his mind. Tae-Moon couldn't move on from the subject in general.

He is stuck in a timeless loop, constantly trying to to connect the dots. A part of himself wants to put all the blame on the suspicious priest.

The thought of taking accountability for every action he made that night all those years ago scares him.

It's human to not want to accept that he murdered anyone. His heartbeat accelerates upon a thought echoing in his head.

The idea is loud and it hurts. He clenched his eyes tightly and bang his fist upon the Mr. Park's desk.

What if they were innocent?

Tears trickle down his face, which contorted into sorrow and guilt, and splashes onto the papers.


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Tae-Moon's eyes shot open and he looks around the room frantically. The voice he heard moments ago sounded sinister, uncanny even. A shiver runs down his spine and goosebumps appear on his skin. The room is quiet except for the sound of the teen's harsh breathing.

When his dark eyes focused onto the door in front of him, his heart sank.

It's him- but not?

He tiltes his head in confusion, fear creeping into his system. There was an urge to call out and confront the stranger. However, his doppelganger's face twisting into a horrifying appearance stopped him.

The edges of his lips are pulled back to reveal his teeth. A dark tar seeps from the gums and cover his lower face and clothes. His eyes are wild, the bottom of the glossy irises droop down onto his cheeks. The face of the creature begin to melt and a disturbing shriek comes from its throat.

Tae-Moon doubles back, his back hitting the bookshelf behind him. The room shakes and items fall onto the ground. His eyes close and he grasps onto his ears to relieve the pain that etched through his skull.

His lips tremble and tears pour down faster.

The shrieking didn't stop-- not even when books fell onto the boy, shelves crashed foward, and glass shattered.

The sound is wretched, and awful to the point he felt blood trickling from his ears and staining his hands.

Tae-Moon groans in pain and huddle close to floor. Nothing can relieve him of the stress and fear of which sends his body writhing. It didn't get any better, because not before long he felt pools of sweat pour down his skin.

It's now hot, an undeniable heat. The teen open his eyes in shock. Terror overcame the dark irises.

Fire-- fire all around him.

The flames burn his surroundings as the smoke swallow anything in its path.

Tae-Moon gasped fearfully and clutches onto the bookshelf behind him. He became sick, coughing violently and feeling his throat tighten. "Mr. Park! M-Mr. Park!" He yelled, feeling the flames kiss his skin.

This can't be--

A joyous laughter came from the door. Hesitantly, Tae-Moon turns his gaze to his front.

The creature is still there, but it's appearance had morphed into a grotesque monster. The face is still the same, but its taller and hunched over with skinny limbs and sharp talons. The teeth are jagged and sharper too.

Tea-Moon... there is no redemption for you.

You are me.

Its mouth didn't move but it had spoken. It vibrated deep within his skull and shook the room.

Tae-Moon shakes his head and bangs on the wall behind him, hoping anyone would hear.

"Someone please! Help me! Mr. Park!" He cries. His palms hurt from how hard he hit the wood. Panic and intense desperation and fear creep into his bones. His desire to escape this office and regret of coming in increased as the flames clutch onto his clothes.  When he is about to scream, someone speaks.

"Tae-Moon, didn't I tell you that this would happen?"

That soft tone... rich voice... false politeness...

The Priest.

Tae-Moon slowly turns around. His bangs are plastered to his forehead while snot and tears poured down his face.

The tall man stood before him, a light glowed around his stature. He's dressed in white Catholic robes, a pearly smile resting on his calm features.

"You! What do you mean? What did you do-?" Tae-Moon's questions are cut off when the Priest raises his hand.

"What did I do? My, my... You are the one who killed those people, not me. You are the one who will burn in the abyss while I will rise above. I warned you of this, Tae-Moon." He stated, before laughing and shaking his head.

"See- that's the problem with people like you. Always taking, always sinning. I'm afraid you can't be saved." The Priest shrugged nonchalantly. His dark eyes crinkled while his smile became terrifyingly wide.

"You are nothing."

Tae-Moon's teeth grinded while fear and confusion grasps onto his soul. He felt his feet move to run towards him-- to push past him and out the door. However, everything began to fall. His mouth opened wide, but nothing can escape.

He stares up at the Priest as darkness consumed his entire body, the sound of fire cracking and yells of agony echoing around him.

He stares up at the Priest as darkness consumed his entire body, the sound of fire cracking and yells of agony echoing around him

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Hey guys, I'm back :D

I know- kinda intense chapter but it be what it be.

So I've changed my writing up a little by using present tense more.

I'm in a better spot mentally and I really like how my relationship with the Lord is progressing. A lot has happened since I've been away. Both happy and sad moments.

My best friend passed away over a week ago and I went to his funeral during Spring Break. This has only fueled my desire to be a better person and to deepen my relationship with Him.

I physically and emotionally cannot go back to the person I once was. It makes me sick. I was very sad and really commited to ending my life. Of course my issues were not resolved overnight, but life has gotten significantly better. Therefore, I decided to pick this project back up.

So, remember to brush your teeth and floss.


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