541 27 1

☆ Narrator ☆

[t.w: Violence]

"Okay Vasco, now it's time to go undercover."

The duo stand outside the grand Plaza, slightly mesmerized from how elegant it looked on the outside. Intricate gold and black designs are embellished all over with stained glass and alluring lights and flora life-- a beautifully crafted facade. Underneath it all, however, it's truthfully similar to that of a business in the Red District.

Shivers ran down Jace's back knowing of what waits ahead for them.

The duo is about to penetrate a heavily fortified fortress.

Fear gripped their hearts as determination set their minds into a strong-willed mindset. They have come so far, Tae-Moon needs them.

"What will we wear?" Vasco asked softly, his eyes narrowed while he scanned the area around them. Due to it being so late, there's barely anyone outside. Of course, cars still zoom by and businesses of the night are jam packed with eager guests. However, there was an eary stillness to the building and the surrounding property. It's as if that the Plaza has already accepted all the patrons. This worries Vasco even more.

How will they be able to get inside? Who will they disguise as? What if Tae-Moon is already hurt?

These thoughts ran through his mind, his face grew pale and nerves spiked.

Jace grabbed his friend's shoulder and chin, turning his gaze to- what looks to be- a paved trail leading to the back.

"We're going in as waiters. Come on, bro."


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A cry of pain accompanied the loud sound. The dimly and neon lit room spins in Tae-Moon's vision. He coughs, holding his stomach as he's lurched over. Sweat beads down his head and mixes with the tears, leaving him blinded. The boy's heart beat rapidly- practically out of his chest- and body trembled. Sensations of pain and terror racked through his body.

He felt weak, helpless.

Tae-Moon lifted his heavy head and gazed up at Goo with wide, glossy dark eyes. He tried to speak, to plead with the blond to stop. However, his throat felt too constricted to speak. It was as if thick barbwire is wrapped tightly around his neck.

The man above him towered over him, shielding him from the light. His eyes are narrowed but expression ever so neutral. The sight sent shivers down the teen's spine. Goo wasn't even batting an eye or breaking a sweat. It was as if beating him was like barely lifting a finger.

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