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☆ Lee Tae-Moon ☆

    The drive out to Tae-Moon and Mr. Park's new home was quiet from then on out. The boy didn't mind though, he just focused on the outside world beyond the car window. It felt peaceful to just space out and watch the birds flying above, it took his mind off the events leading up to this moment.

A soft, almost silent, sigh left his dark pink lips upon noticing that they are drawing near the apartment complex they reside in.

Tae-Moon felt nervous as they approached the parking lot.

It wasn't an awful home, nothing like the juvenile detention center, but it wasn't at all a comforting or loving space. The pale teen felt like he was always walking on egg shells. However, despite all of that, he was grateful. Grateful that he wasn't on the streets or thrown in some random orphanage.

Tae-Moon looked over at Mr. Park. He's an older man, who's obviously been in law enforcement for a long time. He has tanned skin, sharp facial features- his eyes especially hold an apathetic, untrusting look-, dark, graying hair, and bruised knuncles and arms from old age. The boy first met him three months before he was released.

His social worker introduced himself as an ex detective and now a juvenile social worker. He was brief and simple with his introduction, not at all faking a kind smile as he did. Tae-Moon concluded that he was withholding information about himself, possibly about his old carrer.

But hell- who isn't?

When Mr. Park put the car in park and turned off the ignition, the teen grabbed his backpack and exited the car. He then followed the elder to the main part of the complex- where the mail boxes are located.

Before they reached the sliding glass doors, his social worker spun around and held out a key. Tae-Moon looked up and into his eyes, confused.

"Here, I know you probably got a lot of homework to complete." He explained simply, not waiting for his response as he dropped the key into his blazer pocket ans trekked on to the building. The short male nodded and ventured on to one the complexes down a long, concrete paved sidewalk.

Once he arrived to the tall, lit building, Tae-Moon entered and walked to where the elevator is.

Although, he stopped upon noticing another person waiting. The stranger is a tall, blonde haired man. He stood with confidence and a sense of class- but who wouldn't if they wore expensive, nice looking clothing?

Tae-Moon swallowed the nerves that had began to build down as he walked to where he was. There's a fair amount of space between them, but not a large percentage because the boy could still make out the older man's features out of the corner of his eye.

The man is significantly taller, he has a pale, handsome complexion, and sharp eyes hidden behind a pair of black glasses. He also looked professional and rich, which wasn't out of ordinary for this side of the city. Tae-Moon and Mr. Park's home was located in the nicer, middle to upper class area.

Perhaps the stranger felt the dark haired teen's eyes on him, because he turned his body to him and tilt his head to the side. "Is there something you need?" He asked, his voice surprisingly low pitched and tone filled with deep boredom.


Tae-Moon felt the air become awkward and tense as the other examined him while waiting for an answer.

"I- oh- um, no. There isn't. Sorry." He kept simple, just like Mr. Park would've like it.

Yeah, Mr. Park also wouldn't have liked you gawking at the guy either-

The boy's subconscious spoke, making him internally sigh in embarrassment.

Before the taller male can speak, the elevator doors opened. Tae-Moon walked quickly into it, pressing on the floor six button. Of course the other followed him in, pressing the top floor button.

Holy shit this guy must be loaded then.

Tae-Moon thought to himself, tightening the grip he has on his backpack.

Hopefully he won't bother me-

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