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Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you have a blessed Christmas with your loved ones.

The following morning I woke up seeing my wife having the hotel staff bring on breakfast for us four with a dozen roses in a vase.

The following morning I woke up seeing my wife having the hotel staff bring on breakfast for us four with a dozen roses in a vase

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Morning J here. Thank you. I am sorry for getting mad at you last night. I just wished you would of stated what you said to me not in front of baby girl and Dorothy. When we get back to Sacramento, I will see Kim instead of support group for my addiction to spending alot of money on clothes and shoes. Thanks Maur you know I love you and just worried because it's getting out of hand. Our guest rooms closets are filled and now even in the attic. I know J.
Morning mom and Maura. Morning Jane and Maura. Who ordered breakfast for us all and whose beautiful red roses are these? I got them for your mother and ordered the breakfast. I decided when we get back, I will contact Kim to seek counseling. Also, I will have you and the others help me get the clothes out of the attic and the closets. I will choose what I really want to keep and you all can choose what you want. Just say we will invite all the ladies over for lunch. Maura I am glad. We will help you the night before. Julianne and I won't be there. We have enough clothing and shoes.

We hugged my step mother.

I ordered us some fresh in season fruit , Spanish omelets, sour dough toast, orange juice and coffee.

We all sat down and waited for my mom to return after she went to the bathroom . We converse how work projects were going and with what we have been doing out of work for fun.

Dorothy I am glad your graphic design business is going well. Me too Jane. I just hires two more graphic designers. I now have a total of four graphic designers working for me. Carlo and Julianne graciously gave me two more offices for them and three more file rooms to store contracts and designs. Babe we weren't using the rooms. They were just collecting dust. Now Carlo and I are receiving more revenue. Its a plus for us all. Carlo and I have a huge building for that purpose. We knew we didn't want another architect company in the building. We just wasn't sure what we wanted. When you wanted to go out on your own, Carlo and I figured to ask you. This is a building for family. Even Nazanin is thinking about leasing offices. Wow that is great sweetie. Thanks mom. She will let us know by the end of the week.

We finished eating and decided to shower and go for a nice walk in central park of New York. Maybe a carriage ride.

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