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Maura and I had our morning live session with Kim.  Kim was happy to hear our progress and my night mares stopped.  We ended the session and we all ate breakfast.  Cheryl and Maura left to go work out in the fitness center while Jane and I logged into live session for our hearing.  We eventually took a break for lunch the gals made for us after they returned from working out and taking  a shower.  It still was cold outside and the lake was unthawing.
Jane and I were opposing each other so much judge Tunney said enough to us both and called it a day at 3:30. She called us and told us we better not be like this the rest of the week or we both would be fined a hefty personal fine.

The call ended. Maura and Cheryl agreed with her. We left to our individual bedrooms to. make calls.

Maura what is wrong with them?I have no idea.  Jane has never got this bad. Nor has Lisa.  If they keep this up, they will be fined and possibly be thrown in jail. I know. I think we need to keep them separate for the rest of the day . I will rent a car and Jane and I will go to the range than eat dinner. I will have Lisa go with me for a long jog and/or walk than eat here. Okay good luck.  Same with you.

Lisa came out of the bedroom.

Lisa go get your running gear on. We are going for a walk and or run..I rather go to the gun range. No they are going.  We can still go but go in another area. Lisa and Cheryl Jane is still on the phone. We will go do that instead and go have dinner elsewhere. You two need to get it together.  We don't need Joan throwing uou in jail while we are on vacation. Maura I know, but she was hitting below the belt. Lisa you were no better. You two were like little kids wanting Joan's attention.

Jane returns pisssed.

Lisa we both were wrong. I was just fired. Rebecca is taking over the case.  Jane what happened this isn't like you. I obtained new evidence.  Here is what the investigators found.

Lisa reviewed it. She understood why Jane was hitting below the belt.

One of the witnesses was her brother Tommy and Drew and they have been getting death threats at their jobs.  They have hired personal guards to keep them safe through Jason security business.

Jane I am so sorry. I didn't know. Joan now knows too. She told me it was good I am off the case and baby girl isn't around to take it. She isn't sure the firm should take it. I told her to discuss it with Rebecca and Harold. Jane please have Rebecca not take it and hire some additional security for your employees and business.  I know it will be costly but it's for everyone's safety. I need to consult with everyone.

Jane left to make calls to her partners and associates.  Avery and Harold agreed with Lisa. The firm would no longer be representing him. He was going to be informed when Rebecca called the jail to speak to him.
I called my brother and Drew. I apologized to them both.  They said they were still go through it but would keep personal guards with them as long as it took. They were glad my client didn't know where I was at. Tony  said chin has more police officers coming by patrolling the house and Jay was doing the same for Drew's job and Chin was for his job.

I went back out to the lounge area and updated them all. We decided to go for a jog all of us and eat dinner out after we took showers.

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