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Dr. Isles the manager wanted me to reassure you all the listening devices and cameras in areas that they were not suppose to be at have been removed. Thank you. When you bring the beverages back , please have house keeping come to pick up our clothes and blankets be washed. They can bring them tomorrow when they come and clean the suite.  I will let them know.

He left.

Maura what are you talking about listening devices and cameras? Cheryl someone installed them on all my properties except the cabins. A guest was black mailed for a bedroom, shower and bathrooms on my properties.  The employees from the  burglar alarm company was updating the systems and came across them.  I was able to settle out of court for a reasonable amount of settlements except at the gun range.  Jane handled the case up here for me.  They got arrested.  The alarm company insurance company reimbursed my insurance but it was hell for three months. Each place was hit once a month. I lost alot of business and it was in the papers and covered by the major networks and AP services. I immediately had all the everlasting properties searched.  One of them caused a fire at the teen center computer room. I was lucky no one got hurt. Babe I thought you knew.  Lisa I have been so wrapped up with my private practice that I didn't pay attention.  Maura is this why about three months ago you slammed your door at the office? Yes the clinic had none since it was the newest building rebuilt.

I am so sorry. Yeah Cheryl needs these time away. She's been putting alot of hours the last few months at her office five days a week. Lisa is right. I hired two more people so no more longer hours for me.

The beverages arrived while we finished unpacking. Cheryl tipped the employee and called us to come in the lounge area.

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