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How was your two shower together? Okay.  Beth don't start. Hey baby.  Hi J Yilena and Beth.

You smell like menthol sorta Yilena.  Jane rubbed it in my legs and lower back.  I am glad.  I have some extra in my car. I just had some delivered to work.  I will bring you some.  Thanks Maura.  Please tell Beth how much so she can write a check on my account.  Beth please reimburse Jane for the pool and yard work.  She paid him for theirs and ours . Okay will do.  Babe I called workmans comp for you too. Jackson called he will be here after work. This was his only available time which will begin tomorrow.  He is ordering your x-rays and ER notes to see what the doctor wrote down. Beth please ask him to forward them to my work email address so I can review them too.  He was glad Jane had you do what you do.  He did laugh about the shower and you moaning. Beth too much information for him to know. Sorry. Sure you are. Yeah your right I am not sorry. Dinner is ready.  We will have to eat in the other room as Jane's stuff is in the dining room.

Maura washed up while Jane put some pillows behind my back so I could be as comfortable as I could be on the couch sitting up to eat.
Jane please go blow dry your hair. Beth where is the guest blow dryer? It's in the cabinet drawer. Thank you.

Jane left while we served everyone but her .

Who made this chicken it's very favorable? Your wife did. I told her I would make the mashed potatoes and salad. She already had the dressing  made up.
Babe how much dressing is there left over? Yilena enough for another meal for 4 people. After tonight's no more of it.  Yilena just ask J she will make more.  You know if she sees it tomorrow,  she will use it.  Yes I will.  You still can't get it right? No and shut up. I will make you several jars.  Beth I will write down how much to get. Okay. I will get it tomorrow. Thanks you two .

We ate and drank our hot tea. Jane had a beer. Yilena wanted a beer but they ran out of alcohol free beer. Beth added it to the grocery list. Yilena was getting tired. The medication was kicking in. Beth and Jane helped her up and Beth helped her to their  bedroom.

J try to clean up the dining room tomorrow. The couch isn't the best for her back.  Okay, I will.

Maura and I did the clean up and put the left overs in the refrigerator. Jane made lunch container for Beth and Maura for their work tomorrow.

Beth came out and Jane told her tomorrow to get a container to take to work that was labeled with a post it note with her name on it.

Jane has Yilena drink close to a gallon of water today? She drank 9 bottles of water. I am not sure.  Good she drank more. Please make sure she drinks 8 and 9 like she did today when she works out or is massaged. I will. She had to use the restroom alot. I am thinking I should take my work upstairs so I will be closer to your bedroom when she needs my help.  We barely made it w couple of times.
Jane we will help you. Just tell us which ones to take and where to place them. I will take the ones on the table. The others please stack them by how they are stacked now. 

Maura and Jane did that while I carried the items on the table. It took us close to thirty minutes to do and Jane and Maura did their work in the lounge while I locked the house up and turned the alarm on. I gave them both keys the house and alarm guest code before I went to my bedroom to do some work. I normally do it in the upstairs lounge but Jane has her books all over on top of the few items of Maura's. I told them goodnight.  Maura checked Yilenas scratches for infection and her vitals. Yilena woke up got a few when the blood pressure cuff was getting tighter than fell back to sleep.

The chlorine killed any infection she could of got. Did Jane run the pump in the spa? Yes I turned it off before dinner. She looks  better and her vitals see better tonight . She will be sore the day after tomorrow from Jackson. She is aware but knows it is necessary for her to heal. We will do our best to be quiet while we work. Do you want your door open or closed. Not closed all the way. Thanks Maura. Your welcome.

Maura left the door ajar and went to the lounge area. I used the restroom, flossed and brushed my teeth before getting into bed and falling asleep.

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