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The following morning we stripped the beds. We all took showers separately. Maur was making us breakfast.

Jane and Lisa , Cheryl and I were talking last night. We want to know of this is going beyond this weekend. Also I would like us to go to the inn to and leave Thursday after work. I will do my everlasting winery business at work today. Cheryl will take Friday off from her office.  Lisa and Jane are you two able too. We might get stuck there. Babe I can work from wherever.  I don't have any new cases. If we get stuck,  Lisa my cases are against you. I know. I can take Friday off and will ask Ann that we  get stuck there. We still will be able to do court from the inn if necessary or have them reschedule if necessary . Joan won't like her calendar be screwed with. I will tell Ann we can do it from the inn so Joan doesn't fine us or something else.

Maur I have to take the sausage,  croissant,eggs sandwich with coffee with me. I don't want to be late. Please let Kim know I finished my assignment. I will.

See you ladies tonight. You all I will cook dinner. How does meatloaf with mashed potatoes , green beans with almonds with water or tea sound? Cheryl sounds perfect.

Maur kisses me bye.

I enter the garage, locked the garage using the dead bolt and handle lock

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I enter the garage, locked the garage using the dead bolt and handle lock.  I unlatched the door to open it. I start my car and let it warm up some before leaving.
I exited and close the garage.

I look in my rear view mirror and see that Cheryl brought her black Mercedes

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I look in my rear view mirror and see that Cheryl brought her black Mercedes .

I eat while driving between stop lights with a towel on me.

I eat while driving between stop lights with a towel on me

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Morning Kim. I like the new location and furniture. Thank you. Maura wanted me to tell you she finished her assignment. We are going to Tahoe Thursday night and may get snowed in. We can do your sessions on line than . Okay. I will let Maura know.  By any chance did Maura show you the book I had hee read several chapters and to answer? No. She read while I fell asleep on her lap. How has your communicating with one another going?Alot better. We are asking each other questions and listening.  If we disagree we discuss it.  I am not working longer hours or longer in the fitness room. This is an assignment I want you to do and have ready for tomorrow.  Okay.

We discussed a little longer than I left for work.

I parked my Ferrari in the garage and took the elevator to my office floor

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I parked my Ferrari in the garage and took the elevator to my office floor.

Morning auntie. We are going to the conference room to discuss our opened cases.

We go to the conference room.My secretary is there and hands me the file to sign and date.

Everyone I will be leaving got Tahoe after work on Thursday. It may snow.  I spoke with Lisa. We will do court on line so Joan doesn't fine us. If the weather is safe enough to drive, I  will be back on Sunday.  Rebecca how did your case go after speaking with Jane. My client took a plea deal.  Kenneth has two years in Folsom than he will be on ankle monitor for a year once he gets out.

My cases are caught up.  June and I will be going to Vegas for the week. Harold how's your cases? I'm still having the investigators searching for more witnesses.  We know who sent the DVD in to the FBI. We just have to find more witnesses to prove her innocence.

Eric how's your cases going? They are going well except for one. I will be driving to Canada since flying isn't an option. I will be renting a hummer and Olivia is going with me. It will be a work and fun vacation. Enjoy yourself but keep yourself and my niece safe. I will Jane. I better get going.  Olivia is outside with the hummer now. Tell my cousin I said hello. The same. 

Eric leaves and Jane goes over her cases.  Avery leaves to go home to pick up June.

Rebecca is there anything else? Nope I  am good. Call Harold or I if you need anything. I will .

We all get. I go to my office to get copies of the file for court today and leave.

Katelyn I will be leaving Thursday night and may return Sunday weather permitting from Tahoe.  If not. I will be staying at the inn. I faxed you a copy of the new contracts.  Please sign and date them. Penelope will be by to get them on her way to Lodi in twenty minutes. Everything was changed as we agreed on. Okay! Sis I am so proud of you seeking help for your shopping addiction. Thanks. I need to get going. I have a patient coming in soon. Love you. Text me if you have to stay in tahoe. I will. Love you Maura. Love you Katelyn.

Maura I am on my way to see Katelyn. Cheryl is she okay? Yes, I am just dropping off her contacts and new glasses.  I will be going from there to lunch. Okay .

Cheryl leaves my office.  I review my patients file then log out to go see him.

Good afternoon Jane. Hello Caleb. I am sorry my assistant didn't get you in time before you left. Your client was killed. Wow,  okay. His wife was notified. Did they get the person? No Yilena is still trying to figure out who did it during washing dishes. She says so far too many people and finger prints are no good. Thanks for telling me. Your welcome. 

I call my secretary to update her and tell her to have the widow sent flowers and my bill.
I decided to eat at a restaurant downtown and do my reading. I will be able to get it all done,  since I was expecting to be in court the rest of the day.

Hi Ann. Lisa told me. I am glad you two came up with a back up plan. She is in a bad mood. Yeah I heard. You all enjoy your weekend. Thanks .

Ann and I get in our vehicles and start them. I pay for parking.  At least it's for thirty minutes only. I arrive at paneras and order a half sandwich with chicken soup and a lemonade and bottle of water.  I take my electronic buzzer and sit down. I use my hand sanitizer and open my assignment to read and answers the questions. I finished two out of the twenty when my food arrives.

I eat and drink while reading and answering the questions. I finished an hour and half later.

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