Chapter 29 grow my lovely flower y/n

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For 3 days you would hardly eat anything and 3 nights You weren't able to get any sleep as your thoughts were going around about Nephthys,Seth and Osiris but you knew for sure that you would ask questions about the seed inside of you.

From what you read from the manga you remember that the seed was created from the powers of the goddess since they were the only ones to give birth to new gods.

Osiris is the king of Egypt and he could control The Souls of the Dead and if he wanted to, he could bring them back as well.

But still he wasn't granted with the same power like the goddess and so for many years he didn't mind Seth being married to Nephthys but Osiris couldn't stand the fact if they had a son together so that's way he made the deal with Nephthys.

She wanted to have a son with her husband to show him that she really did love him by giving him a son but Osiris wanted two things from her.

The power to create and to make Seth have his child by force but in order to do that he needed to grow the seed into the flower then he would've made into the wine to make Seth powerless so he wouldn't able to protect himself from Osiris.

(In your point of view)

I'm very concern about this new powers I have right now so I'm going to review what I know right now.

Sekhmet will tell Seth that Nephthys cheat on him with his brother, Osiris also Anubis is not his child.

Osiris would've then tricked Seth into drinking the wine making him powerless and Osiris would've raped him.

Seth would have felt betrayed by his wife sister, and his brother.

Seth would become king of Egypt and killed many humans.

Also I have to find more information about the seen inside me.

I think some of my questions would be answered from Isis maybe she can me more then anyone else.

Walking though the halls of the greatest Temple of the gods many of the servers were going in and out as they were bringing in pots of dirt into the back of the temple to were the Forbidden garden of Osiris.

Ra the sun god was standing there giving out orders to everyone were making way to work fast.

Ra said "Y/n I'm glad you're here help me over here will you my love ?"

You made your way to help the other as well by carrying pots of dirt back to the garden and on the way there you had accidentally bummed into Nephthys as you were distracted with your thoughts while you weren't looking your way carrying the pot of dirt.

You quickly started apologize to the goddess "I'm so sorry I'm deeply apologize my goddess. I wasn't trying to---"

Nephthys said to you "Oh no don't worry about it. It's not really a big deal but say, could you help me with something my dear."

"Oh of course my lady I would love to but please excuse me as I am under the order to help Ra the sun goddess first." You said as you bow your head as you were worried if it became a problem later on in the near future but Nephthys quickly said to you "I'm sure she won't mind it, besides it will be quite quick I promise."

You nodded your head as you made your way with her by her side as you were now carrying scrolls in your arms after you left the pot filled with dirt behind.

Apparently she needed help sorting Scrolls as They have great power through her knowledge of sacred words and magical spells. She knew charms that could raise the dead and keep them from harm.

Ennead and Y/N female readerWhere stories live. Discover now