The Christmas Invasion

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"Get off me! Get off" Raelle screamed at the alien holding her in place

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"Get off me! Get off" Raelle screamed at the alien holding her in place. Rose and Mickey run out of the TARDIS, in utter shock of where they are, Rose being very concerned for her sister, as she closes the door behind her.

"I've got you. My Lord. Oh, my precious thing. Did the Sycorax hurt you?" Harriet Jones says to Raelle. She's being comforted by the prime minister, definitely not the weirdest thing to happen today she thought. "Rose, Rose! The Doctor, is he with you?" Harriet asked Rose urgently.

"No. We're on our own." Rose sadly responded.

"The girl. The young brown haired girl. She has the clever blue box. Therefore, she speaks for your planet." The alien commanded at Raelle. Oh hell no.

"But she can't." Both Rose and Harriet exclaimed.

"Someone's got to be the Doctor." Raelle stood away from the trio, towards the sycorax. Ok think, think of all the random things Rose has told you since she's been away. Maybe she could do this.

"Rae, they'll kill you." Rose shouted after her. She was beyond worried for her sister.

"I, er, I address the Sycorax according to Article Fifteen of the Shadow Proclamation. I command you to leave this world with all the authority of the Slitheen Parliament of Raxacoricofallapatorius, and er, the Gelth Confederacy as er, sanctioned by the Mighty Jagrafess and, oh, the Daleks! Now, leave this planet in peace! In peace." That sounded somewhat ok, Raelle thought.

The Sycorax all burst into laughter. Ok, definitely not right then, never mind.

"You are very, very funny. And now you're going to die." Alex translated as the sycorax yelled at Raelle.

"Leave her alone!" Rose shouted, trying to run over to her to be held back by Mickey.

"Don't touch her!" Mickey cried out, feeling protective over the younger girl.

The leader walks up to Raelle, Raelle trying her hardest to not appear scared. If she just imagined they looked like walking and talking rocks, she'll be fine.

"Did you think you were clever with your stolen words? We are the Sycorax, we stride the darkness. Next to us you are but a wailing child. If you are the best your planet can offer as a champion" Alex translated.

"Then your world will be gutted" The sycrorax jeered.

"Then your world will be gutted" Alex translated.

"And your people enslaved." The sycrorax continued. Raelle could've sworn he was speaking English.

Alex stopped. "Hold on, that's English."

"He's talking English." Harriet reiterated.

"You're talking English." Raelle told the Sycorax leader.

"I would never dirty my tongue with your primitive bile." Spat the Sycorax in disgust.

"That's English. Can you hear English?" Raelle turned to her sister, confused.
"Yeah, that's English." Rose replied. "Definitely English."

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