Army of Ghosts

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The source of the ghosts seemed to triangulate back to Torchwood Institute

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The source of the ghosts seemed to triangulate back to Torchwood Institute. Raelle, Rose and the Doctor were familiar with Torchwood from their adventure with Queen Victoria and the werewolf. The TARDIS materialises in one of Torchwood's Loading Bays, and is immediately surrounded by armed troops as the group watches them on the scanner.

The Doctor sighed, watching the TARDIS being surrounded. "Oh well there goes the advantage of surprise. Still, cuts to the chase." He starts to make his way over to the console, turning back to face Raelle and Rose. "Stay in here, look after your mum."

Raelle frowned. "I'm not looking after my mum."

"Well, you brought her." The Doctor retorted, causing Raelle to glare back at him.

"I was kidnapped!" Jackie declared, causing the Doctor to roll his eyes as he continued towards the door. 

Raelle took a step forward, standing in front of the door, trying to stop him. "Doctor, they've got guns."

The Doctor shrugged. "And I haven't. Which makes me the better person, don't you think? They can shoot me dead, but the moral high ground is mine." He smirked, as he moved Raelle out of the way. The Doctor steps outside and raises his arms as the men point their guns at him. Raelle, Rose and Jackie all peer through the crack of the door.

A woman in heels approaches the Doctor, clapping in awe as the soilders join in. "Oh! Oh, how marvellous. Oh, very good. Superb. Happy day." The Doctor slowly lowers his arms as he looks around in confusion as he clears his throat.

"Er, thanks. Nice to meet you. I'm the Doctor."

"Oh, I should say." The woman marvelled, as they clapped again. The Doctor stood awkwardly in place, not knowing what to do. "Hurray!"

"You, you've heard of me, then?" 

"Well of course we have. And I have to say, if it wasn't for you, none of us would be here. The Doctor and the Tardis." They all clapped again as the Doctor awkwardly smiled and waved at them all. 

"And you are?" He asked the woman infront of him. 

She waved him off. "Oh, plenty of time for that. But according to the records, you're not one for travelling alone. The Doctor and his companions. That's a pattern, isn't it, right? There's no point hiding anything." She warned him as the Doctor swallowed thickly. "Not from us. So where are they?" She demanded. 

He exhaled, smiling widely and pulling out Rose from the TARDIS. "Yes. Sorry. Good point. She's just a bit shy, that's all." He continued as Rose smiled at the woman infront of her. "But here she is, Rose Tyler."

The woman smiles at Rose, before turning back to the Doctor. "And the other? I've heard you and Raelle Tyler are more than acquaintances" She mused.

"Oh yes, let's not forget Raelle." He chuckled, before grabbing the first hand in the TARDIS he can find. "Here she is." He marvelled, as Raelle emerged. Except, it wasn't Raelle, it was Jackie. "Hmm. She's not the best I've ever had. Bit too blonde. Not too steady on her pins. A lot of that." Jackie scowled up at the man as Rose bit back a laugh. The Doctor sighed sadly as he looked over Jackie. "And just last week, she stared into the heart of the Time Vortex and aged fifty seven years. But she'll do."

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