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October 15th 2022
Dallas, Texas
11:30 pm

Amina threw her last shot back before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she was in her feelings bad and somehow ended up at Blue's and began drinking her feelings. Her chest burned from the tequila shot, causing her to make up her face. She grabbed the lime off of the small plate and squeezed it into her mouth. At this point, she was drunk as fuck. But she knew how to conceal being intoxicated, so no one would ever guess that she was fucked up.

Travis taught her that being a sloppy drunk as a woman was distasteful, and it was advice she carried with her always. Learning and knowing her alcohol limits.

She turned in her seat and faced the crowd, Amina held a smile on her face as she watched everyone in Blue's Corner whine their waists while "I'm still in love with you" by Sean Paul played, couples were pressed together gyrating against each other to the reggae song. The sound of a glass being slid toward her made her turn around, the bartender had another shot waiting on her. This time, she bit the lime slice before downing the shot.

"Shit." She spoke, slightly shaking her head. "Close her tab B—she don't need no more." The thick New York accent called out, Amina knew it was nobody other than Rashad.

"You're not the one paying for it—I'll have another if—because—w—when I'm ready!" Amina words slurred, Rashad shook his head in disgust as he looked at her. "Wassup with you? Why you in here all out ya body?" He questioned taking the empty seat next to her. Which surprised Amina, they didn't know each other well enough for him to be so concerned. She simply shrugged her shoulders in response.

Rashad reached over and grabbed the locket on her necklace, causing her to look down. She noticed the locket was open, which exposed the photo of her and her mother. She quickly used her free hand to close the locket. "What happened to your moms?" Rashad questioned.

"Fucked with a nigga like you." Amina bluntly replied, Rashad scrunched up his face as he grilled her. They were both taken back by what just came out of Amina's mouth. "What's a nigga like me? Word to my dead, you judgmental as fuck. That shit not a good look either, it's actually ignorant as fuck. You keep saying lil ass shit to me and you don't know me from shit! Nothing about me. Who the fuck you think funding the appointments for them long ass wigs you putting in them hoes heads? Putting money in yo judgmental ass mouth! Niggas like me! Fuck outta here." Rashad argued.

Amina's eyes widened, as embarrassment flushed over her body. All eyes were on them, rightfully, she knew she deserved Rashad's blow up. The liquor had her talking crazy. She grabbed his arm as he was about to walk away, "I didn't mean—"

"Nah, you meant that shit and I meant what I said." Rashad spoke before walking away. The attention didn't stay on them long, as everybody went back to dancing. Amina closed her tab and headed out the club.

October 16th 2022
Dallas, Texas
10:25 am

Amina's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight beamed through her windows, as soon as her eyes fully opened she felt a sharp pain shoot through her head, causing her to groan in pain. "Fuck." She spoke. Last night's poor decisions were catching up to her. She took the little bit of strength she had and slipped out of her bed, pushed her feet into her house shoes and moved to her bathroom. Amina cut on the light and began her hygiene routine. Starting with her oral hygiene, next she moved to her face routine.

Last night's blowout slowly came to her as she rubbed her moisturizer into her face, she let her drunk mind speak way too much. Despite knowing that he was a drug dealer, everything he showed her this far was completely different than that. She was mature enough to realize that she was projecting her own feelings on him, very aggressively at that.

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