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— Chapter 41 —

"Hwang Hyunjin, you are under arrest for murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Felix begins to sob.

"You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" Chan says, handcuffing Hyunjin— who just stays silent.

"What the fuck is going on?" Seungmin says, looking around at everybody in the room else desperately. They all look equally shocked and confused. "This is a mistake, this can't be real."

Chan starts to drag Hyunjin out of the house, and everybody else follow's him. Felix just watches in silence, still not absorbing what the hell is happening right now.

Chan shoves Hyunjin on the car, and closes the door. Hyunjin doesn't even look at any of them, he just keeps his head down— his hair covering his face. Felix shakes his head no, in denial of the whole situation.

"In about twenty minutes, I will be there. I want you to get in the car and drive to the station with Hyunjin." Chan says to Minho. "Can you do that for me?" Minho nods his head yes, and gets in the car with Hyunjin.

"What the fuck is happening.." Felix says, watching as Minho starts the car and begins to drive away and Chan goes into the house.

"What the fuck have you done?" Seungmin asks.

Felix shakes his head, tears flowing. "I— I— I don't know.." he stutters. "I didn't think it would actually.. I didn't know he actually— Oh my god."

Felix cannot even explain and express what he feels right now. He didn't actually think this was going to end up like this. Yeah, he thought Hyunjin was off but not to this extreme.

But isn't he supposed to be happy that he caught the murderer?

"Okay, okay okay." Jisung says, trying to collect him thoughts. He turns to Felix, "You just go and get some water, maybe relax for ten minutes. Then you and Chan will get going to the station. Alright?" He says.

Felix doesn't say anything, but he also doesn't object when Jisung starts to push him into the house. He just lets the man take him wherever he is taking him, which is to the couch to sit down for a little bit.

"It's okay," Jisung says, rubbing Felix's back. "It will all be okay, we know this is a mistake."

His words should be reassuring, but they only drown out. What if he's wrong? What if this isn't actually a mistake, and Felix has been falling in love with the same murderer he's been looking for?

Which makes this whole thing even worse, because Hyunjin knows damn well that Felix is working on this case— his case. He knows it keeps him up at night, he knows it makes his chest ache whenever a murderers that he committed is brought to his attention, and he knows Felix is in pain because of it.

If he knew all of this, why? Just why? Has he just been using Felix as his alibi?

"I was with you, I can't be the murderer."

"I kissed you in the morning, I can't be the murderer."

"I was inside you last night, I didn't kill anyone."

Has he just been using Felix as a toy? From the day he moved in, to the day he got arrested— he has been invading Felix's life and mind. Was this way of getting in the case— from a different point of view?

"Whatever you are thinking," Seungmin starts. "Stop." He looks at Felix with an underlying disgust in his mind.

Felix raises his head, looking at Seungmin emotionally. "You can't possibly be thinking this is right, and if you are, you're wrong." Seungmin says. "This man loves you, he has a daughter, he has a life, he has everything. He wouldn't sacrifice that."

Seungmin speaks with his heart when he says all of this. He has no doubt in the world that this is a mistake, because he was the one taking care of Hyunjin.

When him and Felix were broken up, Seungmin was the one by Hyunjin's side. Hearing all his concerns, how much he wishes he didn't love Felix this much, how scared he is everyday for everybody. How much he has loved having a family in this house— even if nobody is related.

He knows Hyunjin would never betray them.

"Let's go." Chan says, walking into the room.

Felix moves his gaze from Seungmin to Chan, and he slowly and weakly starts to stand up. His body is numb, his muscle's ache, he wants to cry, he wants to just die. But he can't, he needs to know the truth behind this.

He follows Chan, taking big steps to hurry out of the house. Jisung and Seungmin both follow behind, but they stop on the doorway and watch the two get into the vehicle. It doesn't even take a minute before Chan starts the car and starts to back out, driving away.

Felix stays silent as he watches the trees pass by him. He can't even breath properly, he feels like his chest is caving in. Chan looks over to with worriedly, he has never seen Felix like this.

He sighs. "When you read what I found, you will understand." He says.

However, Felix doesn't answer— or even look at him. He keeps his eyes on the snowy trees, trying to ignore his words. This only makes Chan feel worse, and he lets out another huff.

"Listen—" he says.

A loud siren sounds, and Chan immediately stops taking when he hears it. He cusses under his breath, and pulls over. He is not at all in the mood for this bullshit.

A police officer, one Felix doesn't recognize since they are in a different county now, comes up to the window. "I don't even need to tell you why I pulled you over, I'm pretty sure you know you were speeding. License and Registration please."

Chan sighs. He reaches over to the glove department and takes out a piece of paper, and also takes out his license. He hands all the mentioned things to the officer, who chuckles.

"An officer?" He asks, and leans down to look at Chan carefully. "Tell me why and officer is speeding?"

"I kinda have to get to the station," Chan says, a bit sarcastically. "Quickly."

The officer smirks, and just lets out a hum. "Alrighty then." He says. "I'll let you off with just a warning, since you're a senior. However, if we meet again like this— I will be giving you two tickets. Got it?"

Chan nods, causing the younger officer to smile. "See you, Christopher Blair."

Felix's head snaps over to the officer at his words, and Chan just takes back his paperwork. He puts it back at the glove box and begins to drive off, even if the officer isn't in his car yet.


Felix heartbeat begins to speed up, and he slowly looks up at Chan— who has his eyes set straight ahead.

Holy shit.

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