Chapter 45 The party part 3

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Nicole had not expected to be invited to Jack's party. She was certain that she was one of the last people that he brother would want anywhere near a party of his. And she did not blame him. After just all it was not too long ago that she would have done anything she could to get him in trouble with their parents.

But she had to admit that changed two weeks ago when he got in trouble at Aunt Edna's party. She knew that he was not responsible for the whole in the wall and did not deserve the beating he recieved. Not that she knew who did it exactly but she was certain that Jack was innocent.

And for the first time in a long time she felt sorry how he was treated. How hard his parents how come down on him.

Not that she would admit that to anyone. She did not want to even to admit it to herself. She was use to hating him even though she beginning to struggle with the reason why.

All she knew was that she began to feel compassion towards him. Guilt and remorse for how she treated him. And no matter how hard she tried to fight it, how much she tried to deny it, how hard she tried to hate him it would not go away.

And her friend Hannah did not help matters. She was bound and determined to draw out these feelings for her brother, make her face that the fact that she had him for no reason.

And she was right. She hated him, tormented him, abused him for little to no reason. And she hated herself for it.

That was why was not upset that Pete and Iris was invited to the party and she was not. She did not deserve to be. Zach, Jesse, Maddie yes. But not her. She had not earned that privilege and thought it would be a long time before she did.

That was why she was shocked when her father called. And was even more surprised when she discovered that it was Jack's idea. She was going to say no at first. After all she did not deserve to be there. Only people who loved and supported Jack deserved that honor. But her grandmother convinced her to go and she gave in.

Though she had to admit she was nervous about going. Even though Jack had invited her she was sure that her cousins would not be happy to see her. After all Jack was not the only victim of her schemes. Zach and Jesse had plenty on reasons to hate her as well and she was certain they were not going to easily let go of their bitterness.

Then there was John. He was not fan of hers. Jesse and Zach had poisoned him against her before she had even had a chance to meet him. And he was not going to be happy to see her.

There was a few times she wanted to ask her grandmother's assistant to turn around and take her home. Not just ask but demand. But she did not, she sat silently imagining the chilly reception she was going to recieve.

As she walked into the lobby she could not help think is this what it was like for Jack all the times he went to Aunt Edna's. Did he get the same sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach that she was getting in hers? The anxiety of having to face people who hated him and looked down on him. The overwhelming sense of dread.

At least I don't have to worry about being beaten for some little mistake or because of someone's lies.

A few of my cousins would probably like to see me beat like Jack was she thought. They would probably say that it served me right.

She then stopped as fear swelled up inside of her. She was not sure if she could do this, if she could face her relatives and Jack's friends who had every right to despise her.

Nicole then eyed the aboretum. I could go in there. Hide in there for a couple of hours then call my grandparents to come pick me up.

No she thought that is not going to work. If I don't show up to the party my dad is going to get worried and probably send a search party for me. Plus he will tell my grandparents that I was not there and then I will explain to them why I did not go.

And that would just be annoying.

No I'll go Nicole thought. I'll just hang around Iris the entire time and try to ignore the dirty looks that the others will be sending my way.

She then took in a deep breath as she told herself she could do this.

Nicole found the ability to go forward again and walked to the elevator. She was about to hit the up button when the doors opened and Tommy stepped off.

His face was twisted in rage and he looked as if he wanted to kill everyone in sight. "Tommy." She said anger filled boy who just grunted a reply.

What is his problem she thought.

Tommy took a few steps but then spun around on his heels. "You know Nicole." Tommy said as he stepped towards her. "I use to feel sorry for Jack because of all the cruel things you and Elizabeth did to him." He said. "But I don't anymore. Jack is liar, a traitor, and he deserved every horrible that you guys did to him." His eyes bulged. "I'm glad your mom beat him and I hope she beats him again and your other loser brother. I hope she beats them to a bloody pulp."

"Wow." Nicole said. "Why don't you tell me how you really feel."

"You know what Jack's real problem is."

"He has a terrible choice in friends."

Tommy then bristled. "You are a little bitch you know that."

"Takes one to know."

Tommy then called a far worse term and stormed off.

Nicole could not help but feel a bit amused at the encounter. She let out a smirk as he walked out of the lobby and then stepped into the elevator.

She thought how she was looking forward to hearing what that was all about.

The doors to the elevator closed and the elevator made its ascent while the other elevator opened and Jack and ten other teenagers stepped off.

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