S:2; Ch:11

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"On with the meeting," Wu continued.


"I can't believe I have to add a missing person's case to my to-do list," Red groaned. "I have so much schoolwork."

"Honestly," Orange agreed. "Like, what of our juniors at the Elemental academy?"

"Perhaps because it's a private and top-secret case?" Wind said, his tone implying how obvious it was.

"I know, I know," Red sighed, "I just felt like complaining."

The ninjas were sitting at their makeshift lounge. Black pulled out a lunch box from behind the table. The others stared at him as he unzipped the bag, oblivious to it all.

"Isn't it a bit late for dinner?" Water asked.

"I'm hungry," Black said.

"Can I have a bit of that?" Red asked, "That looks amazing."

"Sure, I brought enough to share,"  Black said. "Blue, would you like to have too?"

Black turned to Blue, who had just returned from his talk with the Senseis. His expression seemed less downcast than before, but he still looked depressed.

"Don't worry about it," Blue said. "I'm heading out."

Black looked on as Blue began packing snacks from the fridge into a bag. He'd felt something was off with his friend since the meeting started. Everyone else had noticed something was off too.

No one was sure what to ask. Maybe it was a private matter that couldn't be discussed, or he needed space.

"I'll see you guys at patrol tomorrow," Blue said. He'd noticed how tense the atmosphere was because of him. So, he tried to lighten the place with a smile. He then turned and left.

A smile wasn't enough to deceive Black.

"Have the food, Red," Black said as he stood up. "I'm heading out too."

"Oh, sure..."

"White, are you coming?" Black asked before stepping out.

"Oh, right, yeah," White followed after Black. He waved bye to the others. "See you all at the patrol."

The others watched as the duo left to meet up with Blue, exchanging glances with each other.

"Why did it seem like Mr. Cold forgot he was their friend for a moment?" Wind asked with a small laugh.

Mr. Cold was Wind's nickname for White. He felt it was more appropriate since White was the Master of Ice.

"Why is the one with no friends talking?" Water said as she casually picked a rolled egg from the box. Stifled laughter was heard from the crowd.

"Making assumptions about me, Water?"

"I'm just saying. And stop calling him Mr. Cold."


"That attitude is exactly why we assume you have no friends," Orange said as she held in her laugh.

"I'm heading out," Wind said, groaning, "Just realized I haven't finished my assignments."

"Yeah, sure, go and do homework," Water said, laughing. "Best excuse ever."

"Sis, have you finished your project?" Red asked matter-of-factly.

"Oh, come on, bro," Water said, "We're just messing around."

"Sure," Red took a bite from a sausage, his mask raised high enough to allow him to eat.

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