Season: 3; Chapter: 3

118 7 0

"The Overlord?!"


It's been a week since the smoke incident, and Zane's waking up. Despite having caused some alarm in the city, the strange situation passed as if nothing occurred (It was also like that in Zane's dream). It was even more suspicious since there was no media coverage of what took place, no one said anything about it on social media, and when Zane asked around, no one knew what he was talking about.

To make matters more bizarre, the ninjas' Senseis disappeared suddenly. It wasn't unusual for Garmadon and Wu to leave suddenly, but there was always a message left behind or a warning beforehand. Because of this, Zane never had the opportunity to talk to them about his dream.

Zane, feeling uncomfortable with the situation, started to take note of everything. He needed to get to the bottom of everything and figure out what Lloyd had to do with everything. In his dreams, it was not fully mentioned why Lloyd was locked up in a basement at The Port, why they never knew (not even Misako, Lloyd's mother) of his existence until then, and what the Overlord had to do with it all. There was also no disregarding Jay's situation. Things he hadn't picked up on while dreaming, he figured out when he played back everything. It only added to the mystery, however.

For now, Zane settled on acting normal. He didn't want to cause alarm for something happening the following year.


"Have you seen my comb, sis?" Kai stated, his hands running gel through his hair. Kai stood in front of the bathroom mirror, hurriedly fixing himself up for school. Being a Monday morning, he wanted to look his best.

Nya walked by the bathroom, throwing a comb in his direction before heading to the kitchen.

"Hey! That could've ended up in the toilet, you know!" Kai stepped out of the bathroom as he combed through his hair. Following his sister, he picked up his school bag, car keys, and a sandwich from the kitchen counter. "You ready?"

"As ready as one can be after a tiring weekend," Nya said, slumping over the couch's head. She had her bag slung over her shoulders with a sandwich in hand.

"It wasn't that bad. At least Sensei wasn't around to make us do crazy workouts or have us teach other classes. All we had to do was patrol."

"Patrol and investigate. Since Ninjago City has a new threat, a new threat equals a new investigation. And it's so much harder than it usually is. How did we search for one week and not find even a half-lead? So tiring..."

"At least you're not team leader this round. Wind must have it hard. Now, come on. We have school."

Nya groaned as she got off the couch and walked to the door.

In contrast to Nya's lack of energy, her brother was practically bursting with it.

"Someone seems excited this Monday morning," Nya said once they got in Kai's car, a scowl on her face. It was a high-powered, technologically advanced, normal-seeming car she had designed for his 18th birthday.

"Your big brother is about to score a lunch date with his crush."

"You finally asked Skylor out?!"

"Eh... not exactly," Kai said, "See, the guys and I formed this plan-"

"Oh, no... Kai!"

"Don't worry, Zane helped out this time. Our plan is foolproof."

"Just walk up to her and talk to her. One would think the school's hotshot, known for being able to pick up any girl, could actually pick up a girl!"

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