Season 3; Chapter 1:

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"So what you're trying to say is, I've been offline for two weeks. And it's also still the long holiday?"

"Yes! Did that update mess with your sense of time or something?" Jay asked Zane as they walked out of a grocery store.

"Dr. Julien did say you would feel strange after," Cole agreed. He walked beside them, his hands carrying a bag of chips and a Cola. "Hold up and watch this."

Cole popped a handful of chips into his mouth and gulped his drink.

"I don't understand," Zane stated.

"Oh no..." Jay sighed, his fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Zane, let's keep walking."

"Wait! Wait! I feel it coming!"

"Feel what?" Zane was puzzled.

"It's nothing," Jay insisted, "Cole is just being dumb."

"What is he doing exactly?"

"Sigh, Cole's been trying to see if he can let out a super large-"

A loud sound suddenly interrupted Jay, a sound he had been dreading. It was from Cole as he released the loudest belch he possibly could.

"There," Cole said with a satisfied tone. "How was it, Zane?"

"Disgusting," Jay gagged.

"Not you, Jay," Cole said, "You've been calling it disgusting for the past week. I worked really hard, you know..."

"Don't make that face!" Jay warned as he watched Cole try to pull off an upset expression. "It won't work on me."

This has already happened, Zane thought to himself, But it seems... Did I dream it? But what kind of dream has this level of accuracy? Am I able to predict the future because of the dream I had? Or should I call it a vision? If I really had a vision, then any second now-

"Jay! Your nose!"

According to my vision, he started having these strange complications a month into our summer break, right before our last year as high school students. He said nothing about it and hid how long he had it.

"I'm fine, Cole," Jay said. He had one hand covering his nose and another reaching into his pockets. "I think Pa gave me some tissues. I'm not sure if I carried them..."

"Here," Zane handed Jay some tissues. I need to meet with Sensei. I can't let Jay's situation go on without proper treatment like last time. But first, I need to confirm correctly this really isn't a coincidence.

"How do you feel?" Zane asked. "Dizzy? Nauseous? Does your body hurt?"

"I'm fine," Jay reassured, "My nose is probably dry."

"Zane, scan him," Cole said with slight worry. "I remember the last time you were sick, you blew it off as nothing. Then you were bedridden for a week plus."

"I didn't blow it off as nothing. It was just a cough at the time."

"Yeah. A cough that sounded like you'd been smoking since you were eight."

"I admit the cough sounded a little weird..."

Before Zane could finish scanning Jay, a loud sound followed by an earthquake occurred.

"What was that?!" Cole asked. The area was soon filled with screams, and people started running past the three boys.

"I think we should suit up," Jay suggested.

Zane and Cole agreed. They ran into a dark alley between tall buildings.



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