S:2; Ch:21

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"There's something I must discuss with you students," Wu said. He calmly stroked his beard while staring into the eyes of the ninjas.

"What of Sensei Garmadon and the Lady Iron Dragon?" Red asked. "You're not going to see them?"

"I can always speak to them later. Some of you still have patrol later this evening."

Groans and muttering erupted from the ninjas.

"What do you wish to tell us, Sensei Wu?" White asked amidst the ninjas' complaints.

"This is about Green Bean, right?" Black asked. "When you first asked us to find him, it was like he was a missing person. He suddenly shows up, and the situation feels different. He's also Sensei Garmadon's son. What's going on?"

Sensei Wu was curious about the nickname Black had created for Lloyd but decided not to ask any questions. It was best they delved into crucial matters first.

"To start simply, you all share some history with Lloyd, some more than others. But you don't remember any of that."

"How come? Does it have something to do with that strange darkness?" Orange asked.

"Yes. The power my nephew currently possesses can be used to alter a person's mind according to the wielder's will. It can be used for other things as well."

"Your nephew?! Oh, wait..." Blue said. His expression switched from one of shock and confusion to slight embarrassment. "I forgot you and Sensei Garmadon are brothers. Hehe... sorry..."

Most of the ninjas rolled their eyes.

"Wait!" Blue blurted out.

"What is it now?" Red asked, his arms crossed.

"How are the top Senseis and creators of Ninjago's most respected Academy and Monastery the father and uncle to that?!"

Blue gestured to a pool of darkness in the corner of the room with Lloyd sitting on top of it. He had his back to them and seemed to be muttering to himself.

"He's right, Sensei," Wind agreed. "If not that he seemed powerful, I would've never thought he was your nephew."

"Don't be so quick to judge," Wu knocked Blue and Wind on the head with his staff.

"Now, where was I?"

"I think you said something about him altering our minds with the power he possesses," Orange said, "Why would he do that, though?"

"I don't have the answer to that, unfortunately."

"Does he need a reason?" Wind asked. "He could be a villain and want power. Altering the minds of the ninjas would be a huge step in that direction."

"At 18?" Water asked. "What would someone who just turned into an adult want with power?"

"It could happen," Blue shrugged.

"What if he's a middle-aged man? We might be under some illusion. Sensei did say he can alter people's minds," "Black suggested.

"You're not under any illusion," Wu said adamantly. He sighed and started walking to get some water. The ninjas followed behind. "Lloyd is not a villain."

"How do you know, Sensei?" Red asked, "You yourself said you don't know why he did what he did."

"Lloyd is not a villain, Red," Wu said, "Anyway, it's good that this came up. Now, I can get straight to the point."

"The point... ?" White asked.

"Yes. We have a new threat to deal with."

"Is this going to be a huge one?"

"If you consider a nationwide attack a huge one, then yes," Wu sipped from a cup of water that White had handed to him. "Currently, this threat resides in my nephew."

"So, he's the villain," Red stated. Water nudged him. "Ow... What was that for?"

"Are you even listening?" Water said, "Sensei said resides in not is."

"Is there a difference?"

"Yes, that thing could be possessing him."

"Please stop arguing," Orange said, annoyed. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Let Sensei finish already."

"I agree," Lloyd said from across the room. "Hurry up and introduce me. I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for you to do so."

Lloyd's voice came off as different despite still sounding the same. Wu's expression turned dark, and the hand which unconsciously stroked his beard paused. He returned the cup of water, now half-empty, to White.

The new atmosphere that had filled the room made the ninja apprehensive. Lloyd still had his back to the group, making them more cautious. They all took their stances.

"Well? I'm not a huge fan of wasting time. I'm sure the kid has mentioned this to you."

"Why are you- ?"

"Revealing myself? Because you're taking too long. I think it's best if I do things myself." Lloyd stood up and turned. With his hands in the hoodie pockets and a wide grin on his face no one could see, he faced the ninja.

"I am the Overlord. I've been looking forward to our reunion for so long!"

"Reunion... ?" White muttered, confused.

The pool of darkness seemed to rise behind Lloyd, a strange large shadow forming.

"I don't think that's Lloyd anymore," Orange announced.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!" Blue replied.

"Chill, man," Orange said. "I was only saying."

"This young human has been doing so much to prevent my return. The poor thing doesn't realize how powerful I am. Soon I will take over this body and destroy Ninjago and everything you know!! I encourage you to try to stop me, ninja! I would love to see a good show!!"

"Stay back, students," Wu said. He immediately appeared in front of his students in a stance ready for any attack.

"Oh, don't worry. Now is not the time for our battle. Although, now that I think about it, a little spar wouldn't hurt. How about it?"

The darkness lunged forward at the ninja, almost catching them by surprise. The ninja barely dodged while Wu used his staff to counter it. The noise attracted Garmadon and Misako's attention. They hurried out of the room they were in.

"Dodging is no fun, ninja. Wu, why are you trying to protect them? I'm here for them and not you!"

The Overlord aimed another attack, this time directly at Wu. It hurled fast in Wu's direction, and Wu readied himself to defend.

Before the next attack could reach its target, Lloyd's body suddenly stumbled back. The darkness was frozen still. His hands quickly went for each other, though it seemed the Overlord was making things difficult.

"Come on! Just a little more- " Lloyd aimed for the gold bracelet on his wrist. Once his fingers touched, a small burst of light was released, and the pool of darkness was reduced to a tiny amount.

"I think he's gone," Orange said, "That Overlord person, I mean."

"I barely dodged the first attack," Black said, "How was it that fast?"

"I think all that cake is finally taking a toll on you," White said.

"Ha! White said you're getting fat!" Blue exclaimed, laughing.

Garmadon hurried over to where they stood. "What happened? Why did Lloyd try to attack you?"

Wu didn't answer. He only sighed, walking away into the room Garmadon and Misako came from. Garmadon followed after leaving Misako, who was curious about the whole fiasco behind.

Red picked up a long stick he'd found lying on the floor. He walked toward Lloyd, who was crouched down in a corner.

"Don't step an inch closer."

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