Chapter 42 The Corbenic King

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Narrated by Aubrey 

(A Century Ago)

     Fisher King's wife, Queen Morgana, grew depressed about her husband's sudden death which was due to an illness he had suffered with. Despite how she felt, she knew she had to cope with it so that she could continue running the kingdom. It was now her only responsibility, and she needed to keep it strong and protected, especially because the neighboring kingdom of Camelot was an enemy to her kingdom due to the many wars they had fought together. Ever since her husband had sent Zophar away to the Dark Realm, Camelot became their enemy to avenge their king. Most of the wars were ambushes from Camelot, which resulted in the weakening of Corbenic, and Morgana was worried that another ambush would wipe out her kingdom entirely since Camelot's army was larger than hers due to all the men she had lost through all the wars.

     Then the time came when Camelot came back to ambush, and this ambush wiped out Morgana's kingdom; for it was the largest battle Corbenic had to fight against and the bloodiest ever recorded in history. In addition, the wraiths had attacked, taking so many lives as well, and they were controlled by the Camelot king who had the wraith medallion with him in battle. This final ambush resulted with major devastation, and even the local villages were burned to the ground.

     Queen Morgana felt like she failed her people and that she did not have what it took to be their queen, especially now that her husband was not there for her, someone she had sorely depended on and who made her feel truly happy, content, courageous, motivated, and strong. But now that all changed. She grew depressed and felt like she did not have the strength to bring her kingdom up from the dust. Not only that but she also did not want to live a life of constant fear. It was too much of a burden and responsibility for her which she did not want to take.

     A day later, when she was walking around where there was destruction, suddenly, she saw something round, golden, and metallic partially sticking up from the ash. Curiously, she picked the object up and immediately realized it was the wraith medallion. She concluded that the Camelot king had accidentally lost it during the battle, and she was very glad he did; for she wanted to destroy the medallion so it would never cause harm again. With her magic, she tried to destroy it, but every attempt proved useless which frustrated her. She realized that magic was not enough to destroy it, but she did not know what more could. To keep it safe from any foe's hands, she attached a small chain to the medallion, making a necklace out of it, and she wore it around her neck.

     Because Morgana wanted to resign from her position, she contacted Fisher King's closest relative, Sir Kingsley, a very rich noble who she knew would likely accept the responsibility of being Corbenic's next king. He accepted the responsibility, and as soon as Morgana announced to the people their new king and of her resign, she handed the throne over to him. Then she soon decided to move far away from Corbenic to start a new life, a fresh start somewhere living in peace and solitude. She took all her most valuable possessions with her and took a ship out to an island called DunBroch where she decided to move. Once she arrived, she paid some housebuilders to build her a small cottage in the middle of the woods, far away from civilization. Once she moved into it, she took up the occupation of woodcarving, and even though she knew she would barely get any business due to her living so far away from people, she worked day and night carving because that alone gave her a little comfort, it took her mind off of all her troubles, and it reminded her of her husband who loved and appreciated her woodcarving.

     One day, Morgana took a boat far out in the DunBroch Sea to drop the wraith medallion into the water since she could not destroy it herself. She could not bear to look at it anymore because it reminded her of her troubled past. Once she dropped it into the sea and sailed back to the shore, suddenly, to her alarm, she saw the medallion lying on the shore right in front of her. Very frighted, confused, and upset, she angrily threw it back out at sea, but when she turned around, it was back on the shore in front of her again. She had no choice but to hold onto it so that no one would ever find it.

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