Chapter 7 [Book 1]

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"That said, I don't wish to postpone our visit to the library any longer."

Here I was standing in front of Professor Fig after the encounter with the trolls, Rookwood and the occasional few students around Hogwarts asking for help.

After I mastered a few new charms, Fig decided it was ready to proceed with the journey about ancient magic and Ranrok. Starting with looking through the restricted section, as indicated by the map.

"So, shall we proceed?"

"Fig, I have work for you. Come", Headmaster Black announced himself.

"But Headmaster! I have a student and my schedule is - "

Headmaster Black merely interrupted Professor Fig insisting that he needed to go with him.

With no other choice, Fig assured that a visit to the library will be the first thing to do as soon as he comes back. 

But I knew, the restricted library could not wait and so I went to the one person who would help.

After wandering around the castle I finally spotted Sebastian admiring a portrait of a woman bursting in flames, her expression full of glee.

"Sebastian. There you are."

He turned at the sound of my voice, "there you are. You promised me an explanation for what happened in the Three Broomsticks. Not many students gain Rookwood's attention."

Although I had only known Sebastian for quite a short time, the moments we spent together made it feel like I could truly trust him and though I promised Fig, I couldn't help but feel the urge to explain. 

It was like he deserved a much-needed explanation.

"It's to do with Ranrok. Seems he's working with him and Ranrok is after something I found at Gringotts", I continued to explain to Sebastian the events occurring.

"You can't be serious."

"Deadly serious."

"Understood. Your secret's safe with me. Whatever it is."

Then I remembered why I needed to see him, "You mentioned being 'clever enough not to get caught' in the Restricted Section."

With an insinuating tone, he was able to catch on, "and I am. Meet me outside the Library tonight. And tell no one."

"See you tonight."

Walking down the stairs towards the library I looked up to see Sebastian already there. Him leaning against the stairs balcony edge

"You look refreshed", I nodded towards his cool and collected nature.

"Hah, you haven't even seen refreshed yet", he smirked.

Before I was about to make my way down, Sebastian stopped me, pointing out the prefects 

"They would love nothing more than to get you caught. Let me teach you the disillusionment spell." 

Once he had taught me the spell, we were able to sneak into the library, but unfortunately, the librarian was still there.

"Quick! Behind the bookcase."

"You said the librarian would be gone by now."

"I said 'usually'."

Unsure of what to do now, Sebastian thought quickly, "cast the disillusionment charm, I'll distract her."

So doing as I was told, the plan went successfully and I was able to get the key to access the Restricted Section.

We were so close to getting to the Restricted Section until a transparent someone decided to interrupt.

"Oh look what we have here. Sebastian Sallow and his new little friend", damn Peeves.

"I'm gonna tell~ I'm gonna tell~" Peeves sang as he floated away.

Sebastian let out an annoyed sigh, "blasted Peeves. I've got to stop him, or at least get to the librarian with a good enough excuse for all of this."

I eyed him suspiciously, "how do I know you won't go to the librarian and blame this all on me?"

"Why would I do that?" He gasped in offence before replacing it with a signature Slytherin smirk, "I like having friends who are in my debt."

"Now, go. Good luck in your search."

Before I could thank him, Sebastian had already left.

Well, I guess here goes nothing.

After repairing the broken armour, I braced myself for what was about to happen as I entered the Athenaeum.

Through many battles with once again numerous knight statues, I found myself entering a room, one looking similar to the one in Gringotts and coincidentally, a pensive sat in the middle with the book floating above it.

After making sure there were no more threats, I approached the book and before grabbing a hold, it opened itself, releasing a memory.

Everything went by so fast, Rackham and his fellow wizards and witch freeing a village of its drought, the young girl you saw becoming a student, learning that she and Professor Rackham were just like me and I most certainly did not like the look on her face when she learnt of the magic she possessed.

I hurried back to the library in hopes that I could still help Sebastian, but unfortunately, Scribner beat was quicker.

"Sneaking in the Restricted Section - again!" She screeched.

I winced as she continued to yell at him about how much of a disappointment he was, but, it most certainly didn't seem that way because what disappointment would sacrifice himself for a friend? 

But I also couldn't help but feel guilty when Scribner mentioned it would be taken to the Headmaster, he got in trouble just helping me.

It would take a while for Sebastian and me to speak again, I would only see him occasionally in classes and the common room but with the discovery of the book and the need to catch up on work, I just didn't have much time. 

But I needed to thank him.

It wasn't until I was relaxing in the common room that I received an owl.

Meet me near the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

I have something to show you.


Sebastian Sallow.

Well, time to meet the mysterious Slytherin boy.

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