Chapter 14 [Book 2]

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Getting dressed, I refused to look at Sebastian. I knew I shouldn't have said that, but my mouth decided to speak first before my mind could speak.

Just as I was doing my tie, quite poorly might I saw, a hand took mine and dragged me to my bed before sitting us down as those same hands reached up to do my tie.

"So. What about Anne?"

"I-I can't."

"Why not?"

I squeezed my eyes shut, "it's not my place to tell. She didn't want me to tell."

His hands stopped as he finished he pushed my tie up before dropping his hands into his lap.

"How long have you been talking to her?"


"How long?"

"Before summer", I mumbled.

"I see."

His words hung in the air between him and me. Standing from the bed, he slowly straightened up. I watched as the skin around his eyes tightened up.


Not even his name could escape my mouth when the door opened before a large slam reverberated through the air. I knew it was coming, but I still jumped out of my skin.

He walked out without looking at me.

I brought my knees and settled my chin on them thinking of what to do, of who to go to. Tears prickled the corners of my eyes before starting to stream down my face as I nestled my face into my legs, small sobs escaping my lips.

Little did I know, Sebastian didn't leave entirely, instead stood outside the dormitories his grip tightened around his arm as he listened to my sobs.

"Where did it go all so wrong", he murmured.

He went back to his dormitory and there on his bed sat a letter, the familiar emblem and motto ᚨᛚᚹᚨᚤᛋ ᛁᚾ ᛈᛟᚹᛖᚱ, stared at him. He took the letter in his hands, contemplating what to do.

After I had cried for minutes gone, I released myself from my curled-up position as I cast reparo and scourgify, the ink stains disappeared and the pot of ink and quill returned to its original state.

I took the quill in hand as I began to write words.

Dear Anne,

I have some unfortunate news.

Everything has been going all so wrong.

I shall not go into the context of how we reached the conversation, but Sebastian now suspects something is with you.

I deeply apologise, it was my fault I blurted it out.

But Anne, please meet with me, we must discuss this.

Your dearest,


Folding up the letter, I handed the envelope to my snowy owl as he flew out to the Sweeting cottage where Anne was sitting reading a book as my letter dropped in front of her.

She opened it eagerly, but soon was gripping the letter with shaking hands as she immediately wrote a response.

Walking through the streets of Hogsmeade, I rubbed my hands against my robe in an attempt to stop my palms from sweating. The nerves ran through me as butterflies erupted in my stomach, each person I passed it was clear that I was nervous.

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