xl - attachments i

396 15 398

Ivory - xl ; Attachments I

Created: 12.30.22

Finished: 01.01.23

Edited: 02.13.23 / 02.16.23

Published: 02.17.23


Trigger Warning: assault, violence, heated conversation it gets dirty so take caution..oh yea, bob. there'll be a bob, that means y'all in for a ride

Word Count: 3321

A/N: This was heavily edited. I asked someone about something around here, and its like..their answer gave me the guts to change it. I did notice that if I followed the old outline, it might have been a bit too anticlimactic. This is the chapter where everything just fcking changes, why not instead of making it subtle..I'll go all in? :3

One way or another, something would be revealed here.

I hope that its worth the wait, and if you guys are confused, don't worry. Soon, you guys will understand. Attachments(3 parts) is a chapter where some questions are answered, but that also means more questions are formed. So enjoy^^

Thank you for the wait, and sorry am late. So late.


Readjusting the furniture, Niki hums before tilting the shelves to the side, that way, the bed can get to the farthest side near the corner.

She lastly places a lantern and a few potted plants to make the room comfortable and lively. She has no idea who would stay here, no one came by to her city after Ponk left.

Right, there's only one person who stayed..after that, no one ever did.

Her face sour, she closes the door and eyes the rest of her creation. What's the point of creating this underground city if no one's going to stay in it besides her?

Is having some detrimental hobby is her escapism in order not to feel useless and lonely?

She has no reason to go outside anymore, she has no reason to do this anymore either.

No, she shakes her head. This city isn't perfect yet; still unsafe and inhabitable.

Soon she can fix and finish all this, and have this place a home for someone.

What a false hope.

A caw noise catches her attention, as she sees a crow at the above, holding a scroll, "Finally, it seems that the old man has got the nerve to reply."

She gets excited, hearing things from them. She has always feared that her relationship with the Syndicate has lessened when everyone went apart. Hopefully, she can keep it alive..like flame.

Reaching the surface, she sighs and watches the bird with a smile, "Hey little bird. Rather nice of you to visit me on this fine evening."

She takes the scroll from the messenger and pulls the lantern close to her to see the writing. Once she opens the scrolls and takes her sweet time reading Phil's..oddly scratchy writing, she can't help but to furrow her brows with the content,

Did he rush write all this? Strange. Usually he'd take his sweet time writing.

Her skin loses colour and immediately she returns to her city and gathers her items in panic.

Tommy is missing.

"Tommy's missing?" Sam's soft voice echoes in the Space Needle.

Cool air washes over their sweats, concerned about the situation.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now