chapter 60

817 33 17

3rd pov

As Franky tells them about Kuma who has been protects the ship through all the 2 years, y/n keeps her sight somewhere else as she munching on her lunch food.

"Oohh~ Seems like that Caribou Pirates are already here..." She mutter under her breathe that filled with food, ignoring Usopp who has been calling her name.

"How deeply are we submerged, now?" Luffy asked, face looking up.

"It's getting darker and darker." Usopp pointed out.

"We went through the euphotic zone and we're at the bottom of the twilight zone. It must be more than 1000 meters below." Said Franky, as his small robotic hand picks the chopstick to eat.

"...right?" Y/n low whistles at the information as she drinks her tea.

"It feels like flying in the sky." Said Robin, glancing up.

"It's a whale, it's a whale!" Exclaims Chopper happily. Y/n spitted on her food as she looks up, seeing the big whale for the first time.

"Laboon! Laboon!"

"No, that's old man Whitebeard!"

"No, you dumbass!" Said y/n with a disbelief expression.  Y/n then turns to look at Usopp who sighing out.

"Hey, hey, there is no time to relax and watch whales." Usopp reminded. "70% will sink! 70%! I cant just sit around!"

"Woo~ i smell something~." Drags y/n as she scrunches her nose like a sniffing dog. Usopp eyebrow frowned as he lets out a "what" to know what she meant.

He flinched when y/n sniffing near his body. She made a disgust look at Usopp who gasps, hurt seeing her face expression.

"I smell your cowardness emitting around you~." His jaw dropped down, eyes that incredulity followed y/n retreating joy form.

Usopp throws a small thing at y/n's back which she succeed on avoiding it.
Usopp tsked before taking his telescope to look around the ship.

"Eh? There's something at 6 oclock! Is it a creature? No... Hey, guys! There is ship kind of thing coming from behind!" Usopp alerted the crews.


"A ship?" Luffy asked back in surprised.

Y/n who's stealing and stuffing food in her mouth like a squirrel nods her head and saying she had noticed the ship a while ago but forgot to tell them.

The crews stare at her intensely.

"gulp! I-It's coming towards us!" She pointed her finger at the ship to change the topic.

The pirate ship then knocked the Straw Hat ship from the side.
"They're pushing against us! Go away! The bubble is gonna pop!" Usopp warns cowardly.

"No! They're gonna come through the bubble!" Informed Nami in warning.

"Are they gonna take over our ship?" Asked y/n innocently swinging her legs as she sat on the rail opposite to the Caribou Pirates ship.

Chopper and Usopp dramaticly gasps saying it might be possible. Usopp rapidly smacks her back for not telling them early.

As the bubbles of the two ships come close, Caribou orders his crew to rush on Thousand Sunny.

"Oh shoot, they are here!" Y/n warns, though she practically does nothing in the moment.

"The bubble is gonna pop!" Shouted Usopp panickly as he fell on his back.

"Ahh...(!) We're gonna die...(!)" Says Y/n with a fake tone of scared.

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