chapter 42

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Rescue Ace and Y/n! The New Destination is the Great Prison

3rd pov

Luffy looks at Hancock's back and notes that he has seen what was on it before.

"He saw my back.." mutters Boa making the two sisters gasp.

"Then he'll have to die." Says them firmly.

"--Huh? H-how come? I only see her back?! But i dunno why, i could swear i've seen it somewhere before..." Luffy sweats out as he looks at her back with his forefinger and thumb under his chin.

"We would rather die than let anyone see what you saw on my back!" Boa says with narrowed eyes looking at Luffy, who is confuse.

"That thing? How come? Who are you? How come?"

Hancock tries but fails to turn him to stone with her powers when he mistakes her Mero Mero no Mi abilities for Foxy's Noro Noro Beam.

Luffy tries to escape but is captured by the Kuja pirates and is brought to the execution arena.

"Damn! Come off, you stupid things!" Curses Luffy trying hard to untie the rope that was on his whole body. He heaves a tired breathe. "What are these iron rope-like-snakes?!"

Hancock asks why Luffy was on her island.

Luffy explains he was sent here by Kuma and also wants a ship to leave the island.

"Lies. You cant fool me with that ridiculous story." The Kuja think he's talking nonsense.

Hancock plans to expedite his departure by killing him, but Marguerite knows Luffy is not lying.

"Please wait, Snake Princess!"
Marguerite hopes Hancock will hear her out.

Marguerite confesses that she's the one who brought him onto the island.

"You guys tried to kill me, but you're actually nice afterall!" Says Luffy smilling widely before giggling.

Hancock then turns her along with her two companions to stone.

"Hey! What happened to you guys?!" Luffy grunts as he walks by his kneeling knees. "What happened?! They turned to stone! How come?!"

"Hey..." Hancock ignores him. "Hey...! Hey, you! What did you do to them?!" Luffy turns back with an anger looks, looking at Hancock. "They saves my life, you know?!"

"Yes. They were punished because they helped you."

"--Its my fault that they... Wait! Turn them back to normal!"

"Just who do you think you're giving orders to?" Says Hancock while walking up the stairs.

"--Turn them back to normal!" He demands again.

Hancock orders Bacura the panther be released and tells Luffy to die a proud warrior.

Bacura had been the executioner for years. Even as the panther is about to attack him, Luffy again demands the restoration of the girls.

He punches Bacura out, sending him flying into the crowd. Luffy furiously turns to face the Gorgon Sisters, saying turning their own friends to stone is not funny.

Hancock claims she will be forgiven because she's beautiful, getting an ovation from her Kuja crowd.
"Wouldnt you agree?" Hancock grins asks Luffy.

"--You piss me off!" Luffy's voice low as he narrowed+glare hard at Hancock.


*After the fight*

"Hey, i want to know! What do you want from me?" Luffy half whines when they didnt answered his questioned. He gasps out. "Is there a meal after the battle?" He starts to salivate.

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