Chapter 70- What inspires you

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Anne arrived home that Wednesday crammed with books. College classes had already started three months ago, and she felt fully integrated into that intellectual universe she had dreamed of as a child but never really thought she could achieve.

She loved all the classes, and all the professors, and of course, all the professors loved her too, which was nothing new, since from the very first days of class Anne had shown what she had come into the world for.

She had a born leadership spirit, which did not go unnoticed by the teachers, for she would perform any activity with commitment and dedication, and inspire others to do the same. Her agile and intelligent mind made Anne the dream student in any area of teaching, because she loved to discuss diverse subjects and her opinions were always appreciated by her colleagues who admired her for her always witty and coherent comments.

Many wondered where so much wisdom came from? This was something unusual for a girl like her, who came from an orphanage and was raised in a foster home.

Anne was one of those people who were born with a natural instinct for life, like a sponge absorbing everything they could in terms of wisdom, for what they lacked in love, they made up for with knowledge, and in her case, her condition as an orphan girl had led her to the world of knowledge, Perhaps it was because she could escape her lonely and hopeless fate and become stronger inside so that she could face the world with an open heart and without fear, for while ignorance killed the spirit with a lack of perspective, wisdom enriched it with a world of possibilities and choices to be made. Therefore, college for Anne was a fascinating place where she could explore her capabilities to the fullest sharpening her sharp and logical mind more and more.

Her great knowledge in literature will lead her to reach higher flights. She was invited by her literature teacher to tutor first year students who had difficulty in this area, a position she accepted without a second thought.

Her patience and immense capacity to transmit enthusiasm to students who had little interest in literature made Anne's classes popular with students from other years who loved her dramatic and even theatrical way of talking about authors and their works.

As far as her academic life was concerned, Anne's was a success, as was her love life. She literally walked on cloud nine, because Gilbert came home every weekend and the two of them spent every second together. They had picnics, visited friends, went to the beach when the weather permitted, and inspected together the construction of the house they both owned. Sebastian was in charge of taking care of all the details, and both Anne and Gilbert were enjoying following the work step by step. Gilbert were enjoying following the work step by step.

Life for Anne flowed this way, fast and vibrant, and after the sadness of Gilbert's departure had been transformed into the ecstasy of his presence always at her side, she definitely had nothing left to complain about. Every encounter of the two was showered with love, passion and desire, they lived in a constant state of grace. Every time Gilbert came to spend the weekend with her, Anne was happy, they loved each other with the same fire as the first time, and she was sure that making love with Gilbert would always be like that, that meeting of souls, much more than the fusion of their bodies, that peace that took over both of them when the fire of passion gradually calmed down, that certainty she had that Gilbert was her soul mate and the fullness she found in his arms that made her a complete woman.

As soon as she walked through the kitchen door at Green Gables that day, Marilla looked at her in amazement and said:

- Good heavens, Anne. Where did all this come from? Did you break into a library by any chance?

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