Untitled Part 39

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- Anne, Anne. Come down from the clouds. That's the third time I've asked you to take a look at the pie in the oven. - the little redhead took a little fright to hear Marilla's voice echo through the kitchen.

- Sorry, Marilla. - Anne said, embarrassed to be caught daydreaming at that time of day.

- Don't you realize she's in love, Miss Cuthbert? Just look at her puffy face. - Diana said it as a joke. They'd been working in the kitchen since morning, preparing some of the food to be served at the harvest party, which that year had been fed up for all the families in Avonlea, whose celebration would take place at Rachel's house, Marilla's friend.

- I think this courtship is affecting her brain. You need to pay more attention to what you're doing, young lady. Cooking is serious stuff. - Marilla walked up to Diana and said. - I'm glad you're here, or Anne would set the house on fire.

- I said I'm sorry, Marilla. - Anne was already getting embarrassed about the old lady's sermon.

- I hope you really are, because if you burn something you'll have to do it all by yourself again. - Anne went to the oven to see if the pie was ready in an attempt to escape all that talk, for when Marilla started that litany she had no time to finish.

- Well, I'll see if the clothes I washed this morning have dried. Please take care of the oven, and you, Diana, keep an eye on Anne. - the little redhead rolled her eyes when she heard that. She loved Marilla, but sometimes she got on her nerves.

- You may leave Miss Cuthbert, I'll take care of Anne. - Diana winked at the little redhead who had her face serious.

Marilla took one look at the two girls, shook her head, and walked out of the kitchen, mumbling something about teenagers and difficult ages.

Diana approached Anne with a funny expression on her face:

- Aren't you going to tell me anything?

- Tell me what, Diana? - Anne pretended to be interested in the salad she was preparing.

- What's been going on between you and Gilbert to make you so distracted?

- Nothing's going on. - Anne answered by trying to escape the question.

- But of course it is! You've turned red! Now Diana's laughing with pleasure.. - There's something there you don't want to tell me.

- I have nothing to talk about. - Anne was being evasive on purpose, because she wanted Diana to give up that subject that made her feel uncomfortable.

- Now will you keep secrets from me, your best friend? - she made an angry facer face.

- Diana, why do you have to be so curious? I know you love love stories, but Gilbert and I are a normal couple like you and Jerry. - Anne explained it laughing at her friend's disappointed face. - Now let's finish preparing all this food, or Marilla will skin us alive - they both went back to work in silence, immersed in their own thoughts.

It's not that she didn't trust Diana to tell her about her relationship with Gilbert, Anne thought, but she felt that what they had was something so sacred that it only concerned the two of them, so she didn't want to talk about it, because she felt that if she did, it was like profaning the moments they spent together.

Anne felt more and more comfortable about her feelings for Gilbert. After all the storm that had hit her life when she found herself in love with the only boy she had to keep her distance from, the calm had slowly come, and she knew that Gilbert had a part in it, because he had shown her that it wasn't wrong for them to love each other, that there were no rules for what they felt, that they were free and had a whole world to explore together.

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