Part 42- Fire to Fire

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Anne looked at the clock on the classroom wall, and counted the seconds for that class to end. She usually loved Miss Stacy, and the subjects she dealt with were always very interesting and encouraged her to study more and more, making her the best student in the class, that is, the second best, because she always ended up losing to Gilbert, but this was a detail that didn't bother her anymore. In fact, she was proud, because the boy, besides standing out in studies, was by far the best person Anne knew. She watched him all the time when they were together, and Gilbert never missed an opportunity to help someone, whether it was during class when a colleague didn't understand a certain content, or when someone got hurt at breaks during some game or game, or even on the street when he found someone in trouble, there was Gilbert offering his dedication and time to whoever needed it. Being so handsome, charming and intelligent, one could imagine that arrogance would be one of the characteristics of his personality, but the truth was that in Gilbert Blythe there wasn't a drop of pride, his simplicity and friendliness conquered everyone in the first second they met him, so there were so many girls who melted for him, only there was an advantage for Anne that none of them had, Gilbert Blythe was hers and nobody else's.

The bell signaling the end of the class pulled Anne out of her little moment of distraction, making her breathe relieved. That terrible Geometry class was over after all, and she could finally go home with Gilbert and Diana.

- Our Anne. That face of satisfaction does not hide your aversion to Geometry. - Diana commented.

- Do I let it show, huh? Well, Diana, it's no secret that this subject is my only misfortune in this school. Which makes me wonder if one day, perhaps in the distant future, I will be able to understand this subject. - Anne said dismayed.

- I told you, Anne, I can give you tutoring if you want. You're so smart, you'll learn in a second. - Gilbert said touching the tip of Anne's nose.

- Gilbert, you're the best teacher I know after Miss Stacy, but you wouldn't make me learn this subject with all the effort in the world. I just concluded that my intelligence and geometry are not compatible, so let's forget about it and go home.

They went to their respective lockers, got their materials and headed for the school exit gate. On the way, Anne bumped into Josie Pye who looked at her angrily, but said nothing, because now she acted like that all the time. Since Ruby had disappeared from school, and Anne suspected that she wouldn't be back any time soon, Josie seemed to blame the redhead for her friend's absence.

Anne worried about Ruby, but lately she was careful not to say it out loud so as not to upset Diana or Gilbert, because she knew that if they imagined that she still thought about the girl, they would give millions of sermons and advice on her, so being quiet was the best solution in that case.

Diana's birthday would be that weekend, and her friend had asked for her help with the party decorations, because Anne had great skill with ties and ribbons. So, during that whole week both friends worked for hours on the decoration that would be used at the party. And it was no different that afternoon. Soon after she arrived home from school, she first did her usual homework and chores and left for Diana's house.

Almost everything was ready, just a few details were missing to be finalized, since her friend did not want a great party, preferring a small meeting in her home even, without pomp or sophistication. Her mother had protested for days on end, but Diana had not given in. She knew that if she left the preparations to her mother, she would invite all Avonlea for the occasion, and that year Diana was not willing to celebrate her birthday amidst unknown faces she had never seen in her life. She wanted her friends around, she wanted to feel loved and happy, and if her mother did not want to accept this, it would be her problem alone.

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