Part 24- Secret desires

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The table was set, the silverware, the porcelain dishes were carefully chosen by Marilla and the whole house shone, for she and Anne worked all afternoon so that everything was impeccable for the celebration of that night, and the result left them both satisfied.

Anne was still in her room when Cole and Diana arrived. As soon as they entered, they praised her for her charming appearance.

- You look beautiful, Anne. - Diana said, looking at the lilac dress the girl was wearing.

- Fabulous, I must say. - Cole commented - I never thought you'd wear that color someday, because you always told me that colors like that don't match redheads.

- I keep thinking that. But I decided to do an experiment, and besides, Marilla wouldn't forgive me if I didn't wear one of her creations. It seems that lately her favorite hobby is sewing new clothes for me. I told her I'm growing up and I need to reform my wardrobe.

- Who else is coming to this dinner?

- Marilla invited Gilbert and a friend of his, and Pastor Jackson. - replied Anne.

- Now I understand why you've been so careful with your appearance. - said Cole smiling.

- Don't be silly. - said Anne looking at herself in the mirror and straightening her hair. She'd decided to let them down tonight, because she knew Gilbert liked them that way, and so she continued- Gilbert's just a friend.

- See what I'm saying, Diana? She doesn't even call him by his last name anymore. What does that suggest?" said Cole excitedly.

- What are you hiding, Anne?" asked Diana looking at Anne.

- I'm not hiding anything, you're imagining things. - Anne said, trying to disguise her discomfort.

- Do you want to convince me that you dressed like that to welcome Pastor Jackson?

- Of course I didn't. What I'm trying to say is that it's Matthew's birthday and he deserves something special. - Anne explained, trying to be convincing.

- Don't be silly. You know very well that Matthew would idolize you even if you were dressed in rags. - said Cole.

- Will you stop this fuss about my appearance? Look at you two. You look magnificent! - said Anne, admiring her friend's dark beauty in a red dress, and Cole's elegance in short, black leather boots, brown riding pants, black silk shirt with a matching vest in the best European style.

- Who would have thought that fearful boy from Avonlea would become this blond prince charming? - commented Anne.

_ You know this category doesn't fit me. - said Cole, rebutting Anne's comment about him.

- Who said that? You may well be someone's Prince Charming, if you really wish. - insisted Anne.

- Who exactly are we talking about? - asked Diana, without understanding the dialogue between them.

- No one in particular. - said Anne. She had forgotten that Diana didn't know about Cole's secret, and the redhead wasn't sure that Diana would understand or accept it. She had had a traditional education from even more traditional parents, so it was difficult for her friend to be open-minded about certain issues.

- Anne, will Jerry come, too?- Diana hopefully she wanted to know.

- Yes. Actually he's already here. He's getting ready in Matthew's room. - Anne answered, reassuring her friend. - Well, let's go down. I'm ready.

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