Part 22- New feelings

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Sunday was a holy day for Cuthberts. They would get up at dawn, put on their best clothes and leave right after breakfast for the city church. And that morning would be no different, for at exactly seven o'clock in the morning Marilla entered Anne's room, trying to wake her up in time to get ready to go out with them.

- Come on, Anne, wake up. You need to get dressed so we can go to church. - Anne opened her eyes still sleepy and asked Marilla:

- What time is it? She was yawning, and waited for the answer.

- It's seven in the morning.

- What? Seven in the morning? Oh, no, let me sleep, Marilla, it's too early. - And then she covered her head hoping she could stay in bed a little longer.

- Anne, get up at once. We have no time to waste. I can't wait all day for you. - Marilla said impatiently.

-- Have mercy on me, Marilla. I must sleep or I'll have a syncope on the floor of this room. - said Anne still with her eyes closed.

- Don't be dramatic, young lady. Nobody dies of lack of  sleep, now let's get on with it. I'll expect you downstairs in five minutes.

As soon as Marilla left, Anne stood up slowly grumbling. It wasn't fair to have to wake up so early on Sunday. Didn't Marilla know that teenagers needed more hours of sleep because they spent too much energy studying and doing other age-appropriate activities? Gosh, it was Sunday, the perfect day to sleep in and do nothing. Even more so because she was exhausted by the emotions of the previous day, and hadn't fully recovered from everything that had happened between her and Gilbert.

Thinking about him made her sigh dreamy. She had never thought they could get along so well, have fun together and talk without arguing, enjoying each other's company. She had discovered that Gilbert was someone very nice to have around, he knew how to please a girl, making her feel really special. And the way he used to look at her caused strange chills on her skin, like fire on ice. She couldn't forget those divinely perfect kisses that were sweeter than the nectar of the gods, for if there was one thing Gilbert knew how to do well besides charm her with his smile, it was to kiss, and Anne hoped to enjoy that talent of Gilbert's many times over. He had cast his spell on her, and now the redhead couldn't imagine being with that boy without tasting his delicious kisses. Marilia's voice interrupted her thoughts, making her take a frightened leap.

- Anne, how long will it take you up there? I don't want to be late for the service.

- I'll be right there, Marilla. - and quickly put on a white dress, blue shoes and in her hair put on a blue tiara also matching the shoes. Five minutes later she'd take her glass of milk and leave with Matthew and Marilla.

When they entered the church, Anne noticed that nothing had changed much since the day she had been there for the first time, and as soon as the pastor began to speak, she realized that the service was more solemn and longer. Anne had always imagined that church services should be joyful, with songs that exalted the spirit and attracted people from all sides causing good vibrations. But there in the twilight of that church everything was too serious, especially for the presence of Pastor Jackson, dressed in black clothes and showing a taciturn countenance that did not make a very favorable impression on Anne's opinion.

She had never really appreciated Pastor Jackson's sermons, for instead of advising his faithful, he looked more like a bird of prey, gazing at everyone with those tiny, fierce eyes, as if he expected to find the worst sins in the world in the people there, which made the atmosphere even heavier, making Anne think that Pastor looked more like he was conducting a funeral than a Sunday ceremony. And what would baptism look like? She didn't even want to think about it.

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