Part 15- Gilbert's hope

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The anxiety of that Monday morning was killing her. Going to school was never as hard as that day. She was fighting a growing panic because she knew she'd find Gilbert and she didn't feel ready for it. "Stop being a coward Anne Shirley. You've never run away from a battle before, so don't start now"-she told herself.

When she walked into the classroom she saw Ruby talking to Josie. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't feel anger towards the girl. The agreement between them about Gilbert Blythe had been broken by Anne, so there was no point in harboring resentment against her friend. After three years of platonic passion for that boy, Ruby had decided to take the first step, and Anne couldn't blame her for that.

She suddenly heard Josie's laughter sound louder than usual, and the redhead had the impression that she and Ruby shared some secret. What she found strange was the way Josie looked at her, she looked superior as if she knew something Anne didn't. Did they talk about her?

Josie laughed a lot at the story Ruby had told her about her and Gilbert. Wasn't that silly girl really brave enough to declare herself? She couldn't wait to see Anne's face when she knew everything. She'd put an end to that redheaded girl's arrogance, and made a point of telling the whole story herself. Of course, she could always spice up the story a little, and Josie knew better than anyone how to do that. She had promised that she would make Anne pay for his defiance against her, and the time had finally come.

Diana and Anne were talking animatedly when Josie and Ruby approached them both, and Josie went straight to the point:

- Hello, Anne. I heard your party was a success.

Even though she noticed a hint of irony in the girl's voice, Annie thought she'd be rude if she didn't answer for it:

- It was very good, thank you.

- Oh, I must tell you one of the wonderful things. - said Josie with a conspiracy air. - Did you know that Ruby and Gilbert got it right? She took courage and finally declared herself to him. They're practically dating.

- Josie! - protested Ruby.

- What's the problem? It's all gonna come out in a little while. - Josie spoke to Ruby, looking at Anne once and for all, wanting to see the girl's reaction.

- If that's true, why aren't you two together now?

- Gilbert wants to keep it a secret for now, because he doesn't want to ruin Ruby's reputation, because she's too young, but when she's old enough he'll talk to her parents. Isn't he really a gentleman?- laughed Josie.

Diana looked at Anne, who seemed very focused, tidying up her books about her wallet, and asked quietly so that neither Ruby nor Josie would hear her:

- Are you all right?

- Why wouldn't I be?" asked Annie, trying to mask the suffering Josie's words caused her.

- For a moment there, I thought you were upset by what Josie just said.

- Diana, I've told you a thousand times. I don't care who Gilbert Blythe is courting at the moment. He means nothing to me. "Anne, Anne, when did you start lying?"-there was that accusing, cruel voice again, as always.

- Well, if what you said is true, then we have nothing to worry about, do we? Diana was almost sure that Anne was in love with Gilbert, but since the girl had never felt comfortable opening up to her about it, she never wanted to pressure her to tell her about it. She hoped that one day Anne would be able to admit how she felt about Gilbert.

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