Heizou Lee

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Heizou Lee

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Heizou Lee

Nickname: Zou



June 15th

Nationality: America/Japanese

Bio: Son of an American father and a Japanese mother who past is remained unknown to him as he was born in Japan and moved to the United States. When he was five his father mysteriously disappeared without a trace leaving him and his mother to be sadden by his disappearance, but they soon started to live one after the event. Few years later, they moved from where they was living and moved to New York because of his mother's job and they moved to Queens as they meet the Axe's family, and the Harper's family and they became fast friends with each other. When he hit high school his whole life changed because of one simple field trip to an university to look at some genetic enhanced spiders as a couple went missing and bitten onto Evander and Heizou it changes their whole life from the get go.

Personality: cunny, intelligence, calm, caring, serious, trustworthy, kind, humerable

Likes; his mother, dancing, music, snacks, sleeping, reading manga, heros, helping others, his friends, soda, movies

Hates: criminals, bullies, people annoying him, the cold, people he knows getting hurt, coffee, ocean

Hero Name: Sun Spider

Abilities: light manipulation, super strength, super speed, super durability, wall crawling, talons, stamina, agility, reflexes, spider sense, regenerative healing factor

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Abilities: light manipulation, super strength, super speed, super durability, wall crawling, talons, stamina, agility, reflexes, spider sense, regenerative healing factor

Web Shooters:

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