Riley Campbell/Hoover

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Riley Campbell/Hoover

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Riley Campbell/Hoover

Nickname: Ring, Rilax, Rite, Bell

16-mid 20s




Bio: Riley is the daughter of the strongest human in history, Daichi, and the leader of the Dublin mafia family, Rachel; Riley was born with the physical attributes of her father and the abilities and power that her mother and some more abilities from the family was born which making her somewhat of a powerhouse. As she was growing up she was being trained by her father as his training was intense as she was broken and beaten almost everyday but later on started to get stronger. Riley was also an older sibling to two more kids which she was more like her father when he was a kid was somewhat harsh towards them but will hurt anybody who dares hurt her younger siblings. With her mother, Rachel was teaching the ways of the mafia and other things as she wanted Riley to be smart and able to think of stuff on the fly. In school she was somewhat in the top smartest as that made her became popular which she hated but was somewhat glad as she started to get some friends in the end of being popular in school. Now she's in her high school years she's dealing with school, the mafia business, and business of what her father is doing as an hired hitmen and killer of heroes and villains.

Personality: cold, eager, laid back, intelligent, blunt(like her father), strong-willed, funny, very violent, caring, angry, out going, cruel, crazy(a bit), creepy

Likes: her parents, her family, sleeping, video games, food, snacks, spicy food, dark humor, reading comics, drawing, music, working out, training, guns, cars, swords, fighting, having fun, candy, strong people, females that can kill her

Hates: very huge crowds, snails, spiders(even though one of her abilities is webs), people getting on her nerves, losing her cool, terrible movies, morons(even she can be one at times), some heroes, some villains, terrible video games, sour food, terrible food, losing her weapons cars

Abilities: immense strength ,super speed(slower than her uncle Gyomei), super durability, enhanced endurance, agility, enhanced stamina, enhanced reflexes, enhanced senses, jumping, peak human recovery, web(wires) generation, venomous bite, gravity mainpulation(not that good in)

Skills: fighting, gunmanship, playing with swords, gun creating, flexible, driving

Clothes: (the ones she got in the pictures too)

Clothes: (the ones she got in the pictures too)

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