Antonio Lockett

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(actually made this from an ai thing

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(actually made this from an ai thing....and I made a lot.)

Antonio Lockett

Nickname: Ant, Lock, Palm Tree

17-21(depends on stories)




Bio: Antonio Lockett was born in Chicago Illinois to his mother as his father wasn't in his life for a couple of years. As he was growing up he had aunts and an older brother that helps him out with stuff with school as at the age of 6 he gotten an younger brother as his mother was with his father again as his father started to be in his life. Antonio really cared for his father but he started to notice that he barly shows up and take him to see his other siblings that he gotten as he saw the relationship between his mother and father as his mother hates his father's guts. As he enter into his middle school he wasn't all that social with people and started having trouble with the other students but somehow gotten a small group of friends that stayed together even with they went to separate high schools, as he meet a girl by the name of Sofia Perez, as they soon became best friends with each other. One day as he was at the age of 16 he went on a field trip to an college as the people at the college wanted to show off some spiders that they geneticly enhanced super spiders as Antonio didn't care that much but still went to get a day off from school. But without anyone's knowing one of the spiders went missing as it was one of the dangerous ones as it was above Antonio as he wasn't paying attention as it went down to his neck and bites down. As he hit the spider killing it he slowly started to feel the effects but not that much as he thought it was a headache until he came home and went to his room and passed out. The next day he was all fine as he saw that he was more fit than what he once was and took notice that his strength, and other senses was enhanced. 

Personality: cold, caring, smart(but is also idiotic), nice, kind, antisocial, laid back ,lazy, blunt, funny, violent

Likes: sleeping, his family(not his father), anime, manga, his friends, jokes, food, drawing, swimming, dark humor, cartoons, videogames, his powers, the cold

Hates: huge crowds(but deals with it), his father, people annoying him, his villains, terrible shows, bullies, racist people, rapist, drama, the summer, tea, coffee

Hero Name: Scarlet Spider


Abilities: Super strength, enhanced speed, enhanced agility, enhanced durability, enhanced reflexes, spider sense, regeneration, enhanced endurance, wall crawling, anti-energy manipulation, divergent fist, camoflauge 

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Abilities: Super strength, enhanced speed, enhanced agility, enhanced durability, enhanced reflexes, spider sense, regeneration, enhanced endurance, wall crawling, anti-energy manipulation, divergent fist, camoflauge 


Skills: Drawing, running

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Skills: Drawing, running


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