Kendrick King

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Kendrick King

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Kendrick King

Nicknames: Ken, Rick, King





Bio: Born in america and the oldest out of four children Kendrick had a normal childhood, having a good family, dealing with his younger siblings. Having normal friends. But that all changed when he was the age of 15 and he visit his uncle at his lab because his uncle wanted him to see some projects he had created. One of them being gentice enhanced spiders as his uncle added some different compounds into each one of the psiders, his uncle soon left to get something as one of the spiders went missing as Kendrick took notice and started searching for it. He found it as it bite down onto his hand making him hit the spider causing it to crawl away, his uncle came back and ask him if everything was okay as Kendrick lied and said it was okay and told him the spider went missing and soon leaves. He soon made it back home feeling sick to his stomach and went to bed. The next day as he woken up he was feeling better than ever but felt something was off with him.

Personality: Humble, caring, cool, intelligence, hardworking, jokeful, funny, laid back

Likes: his family, his friends, pizza, sodas, movies, doing hero work, naps, sweet, his pet dogs(have 2),  working out, constructing new things, science, music(old school music)

Hates: his sibling bothering him, villains winning, innocent getting hurt, bullies, drama, thugs, losing his cool

Hero Name: Scorche Spider


Abilites: Super strength, inhuman speed, inhuman durability, inhuman agility, inhuman stamina, inhuman endurance, spider sense, healing factor, wall crawling, heat manipulation, heat control, thermokinesis, heat generation

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Abilites: Super strength, inhuman speed, inhuman durability, inhuman agility, inhuman stamina, inhuman endurance, spider sense, healing factor, wall crawling, heat manipulation, heat control, thermokinesis, heat generation


(Is heat proof)

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(Is heat proof)


(Gojo's voice)

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