2. Difficult

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Jade felt haunted.

After Kit's death, she moved to Gallador again and lived there until the last year, when she came to Tir Asleen.

And although she had been there a whole year, she never thought she would see any of those faces again, and she certainly didn't imagine that they would remember her.

In front of her, in one of the classrooms of the institution of magic, alive and radiant, are Elora Dannan, Graydon, Boorman and Airk.

How did she get into this situation?

She had gone the day before to the old library in Tir Asleen, one of the few buildings that had not undergone any kind of modern modification, and had bumped into none other than Graydon.

- I need you to explain everything to me from the beginning -Jade says, taking a step back, afraid that maybe this is a hallucination in her head, how the hell could this be possible? - How is it possible that you are still alive?

Elora sighs, her patience as short as Jade remembered.

- You surely remember our last battle with the Crone don't you? Well, we can say that before she died, she put a curse on all of us, which none of us necessarily knew what it was since she used a language not even Graydon or Willow knew, and we only understood the curse years later, when we began to notice that none of us aged or got sick.

- And then I began to study the ancient languages and discovered that, in fact, what she did- Graydon added -was actually a spell, where our lives were tied to yours, so that none of us would age or die while you were alive, which I have to say is a mystery to me.

- No- Jade says -that can't happen, not again- she approaches them -the only one coming back is Kit.

Airk sighs deeply.

- uhm... - he says, suddenly sad - She and Willow were the only ones who... They weren't cursed, I'm sorry Jade, she's really gone

Jade closes her eyes, trying to find the sanity and courage to face this, to reveal to those four people the whole truth.

They deserve to know the truth, they were cursed because of Jade and Kit, that's the least she could do.

With a long sigh, she asks them all to sit down, then she tells them the whole truth about herself and Kit, and she does it in the sanest and quickest way she can, without trying to sound crazy.

At the end of it all, the four of them stare at her wordlessly.

- Well... That explains a lot- Boorman says to himself after a few long minutes of silence.

- I didn't mean for this to happen to you- Jade says,- I'm really sorry. You didn't deserve to go through this, I still don't know exactly what the Wyrn wants from me, I've spent centuries trying to get rid of it, but it always comes back, she always comes back, and now you, trapped in your bodies and youth forever.

She is about to say more, to ask forgiveness for everything and if there is anything she can do to reverse the spell, when suddenly the bell rings and a crowd of people burst into the room, heading to their seats for class.

- Maybe it's better if we talk about this later- Graydon says softly to Jade, -Be here at the end of class, okay?

Jade nods, apparently he and Elora have been pretending to be magic teachers, posing as Dove and Ronan.

Then she leaves the room, hurrying out, trying very hard not to panic at the information she has just received.

Suddenly someone bumps into her, so hard that the person staggers quickly towards the window, nimbly, Jade grabs her by the arms and sets her on her feet.

We Go Down Together [ ENGLISH VERSION ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя