29. All I Wanted

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Scorpia sips her mug full of blood as she passes for the fifth time in front of Jade's room, who is sitting in an armchair beside the bed, watching Kit in her sleep.

The young girl still hasn't woken up, which worries Jade, it's been nine hours since anything happened.

Seeing her sister in so much pain hurts her heart, Jade is so strong, her self control sometimes scares Scorpia.

If it was Boorman in Kit's place, Scorpia would have turned the room upside down or worse, she would have slit the throat of every vampire in the coven with her own fangs.

But Jade has something Scorpia doesn't, experience, not just with Kit, but in waiting.

She's waited for fifty years, and before that, much longer.

A few hours might be nothing to her sister.

- Are you coming in? - Jade asks, raising her eyes to Scorpia - Or would you rather stay in the hall anyway?

- Oh, rude - Scorpia says, coming in.

- Sorry - Jade sighs and buries her face in her hands.

- You should get some rest- she says, - I can keep an eye on her, and besides, I don't think yours would be the first face she'd want to see, no offense.

Jade looks at her, squinting her eyes

- Wow, you never fail to make me feel better- Jade says in a mocking tone.

- I just told you the truth, and if you believe otherwise, then you're just fooling yourself - Scorpia says sitting on the edge of the bed, she brings her cup to her lips.

Jade looks away from Kit, her expression twitches, as if she is fighting some feeling in herself.

- I'm scared- Jade confesses, -Like I've never been before.

Scorpia puts the mug aside and holds her sister's hands, making her look at her.

- When you saved me,-she says, -there was no fear in you, only determination, because you knew you could save me, you knew I wouldn't die.- She touches the part in her stomach where, fifty years ago, the spear that caused her fatal wound entered, its tip sticking out of Scorpia's back, piercing through her -What are you afraid will happen to Kit? Because I know your fear isn't caused by the idea of Kit becoming a vampire.

Jade sighs.

- I know Kit like I know my own face, there isn't a detail about her I don't know or love- she says, -And I know she's impulsive and stubborn, but I also know that her soul is one of the purest I've ever known in all my years - She leans forward, squeezing Scorpia's hands - And I know there's a part in her, that makes her feel like she's not worth it, that makes her feel unworthy, and no matter what I do or how many times she's reincarnated, that part in her will never go away.- Jade shifts her eyes to Kit - And when you are transformed, all your sensations and senses are amplified, your feelings and emotions, good or bad. My fear is that if Kit turns, maybe the amplification of this feeling will be too much for her - Jade returns her gaze to Scorpia - I'm afraid it will destroy her completely.


Jade hears the footsteps outside before the bell rings, four pairs of feet, marching up to her door.

She stands up, hiding her glass of blood back in the secret fridge and walking to the door.

- I hope you succeeded in your impossible mission- Airk says, stepping in as soon as she opens the door, behind him enter Elora, Graydon and Boorman

- He has been in a state of nerves for the last two hours - Elora explains - Graydon and I tried to calm him down, but it is simply impossible.

- Good - Jade says going to the stairs - Maybe today is your lucky day, Kit is in an induced sleep for the last 12 hours, you can come and see her.

Airk almost lets out a scream, he advances up the stairs behind Jade.

She slowly opens the bedroom door, making sure Kit is still asleep before allowing Airk and the others to enter.

Scorpia leaves the armchair, where she has been for the last three hours, to make room for the others.

Airk has to hold on to the headboard of the bed to stop himself from giving in to the weakness of his knees.

He sits on the edge of the bed and takes Kit's hand, tears filling his eyes at seeing his sister in a long time.

- Oh Kit - He whispers and strokes her face, he begins to cry quietly.

Elora comes closer too, sobbing at seeing her soul sister well and alive, when Jade looks at Graydon and Boorman, she sees the tears filling both of their eyes, Boorman tries to hide his tears, but fails miserably when his body sways with a sob.

This makes Jade feel like crying too, her family reunited for the first time in fifty years, it wasn't perfect or harmonious, but it was her family, the people she loved and cared about the most.

- What happened? - Elora asks - Why is she sleeping like that?

Jade exchanged a look with Scorpia before saying:

- She was bitten, the vampiric venom causes the victim to go into an induced coma until it completely leaves their system.

- Has she been transformed? - Graydon inquires.

- Jade and I have been watching from the moment it happened until now- Scorpia says, -So far, there are no signs of transformation, so my guess is no.

- But she's going to be okay? - Airk asks, in a low tone

- Physically yes - Jade says, without needing to finish that sentence.

Physically, it would be as if nothing had happened thanks to the healing properties of the venom, but emotionally and mentally, there was no telling if Kit would recover from the trauma she had suffered.

- The important thing is that she is okay, alive- Airk says, -We can handle the rest.

Jade takes a second to understand what he says, and when she opens her mouth to speak, he interrupts her;

- Jade, I understand that your decisions were to protect Kit, because you love her - He looks at her - But this won't last forever, her memories are already coming back slowly, and after all she's been through, it's very likely they'll come back faster, don't let her find out the whole truth by herself, she has the right to know - He stands up - That's why me, Elora, Graydon and Boorman talked and we came to an agreement that it would be better to tell Kit the whole truth and let her draw her own conclusions.

Jade looks at the others, they all nod in agreement, she sighs and closes her eyes, even though everything in her said no, she knew he was right, Jade couldn't hide the truth from Kit for much longer.

- Very well - She says, giving in - We'll tell her, but not now, not after what happened.

Airk agrees, and they all come to an agreement.

But what none of them are aware of is that, despite being in her induced sleep and unable to move, Kit was fully conscious, all that time and listened to every word.

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