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Jade feels her body throbbing, like an open wound.

Her neck is sweating and she walks as fast as she can without running, her hands clench into fists and she keeps her breathing shallow, trying not to inhale too much of the human scent around her.

She had gone too long without eating, and as a consequence, her body is going into decline, leaving her senses on edge, easily triggered.

She sees a cab parked on the street, waiting for a passenger, and without thinking twice, she jumps into the car, asking the driver to drive her to the poorest area of the city.

The driver doesn't ask any questions, he just drives, taking Jade to the north of the city.

She has done this a few times before, when her condition has been this bad.

She gets off at the main avenue, paying the cab and heading to one of the alleys leading to the most frequented area in the area.

The Alley of the Mistresses.

Women of all ages work there, from 15-year-old girls to 50-year-old ladies.

Jade was not exactly a frequent customer, but every time she had to go up there, she was respectful to all of them.

The vampire walks among the girls, using all her strength not to give in her wild instincts.

She spots a young woman, with short dark hair and big green eyes, she's strolling down the alley, and when she spots Jade and realizes that the woman is brazenly staring at her, she smiles and approaches.

- Do you need company tonight, goddess? - The young woman says slyly, almost purring, she slides her fingers down Jade's arm - I can do anything you want.

Jade raises an eyebrow.

- Anything?- she repeats, and cracks a corner smile when the young woman nods, giving Jade Fuck Me Eyes.

The woman giggles as Jade takes her by the hand and leads her out of the alley.


Jade had no idea how hungry she was.

Hiding in an old cabin in the forest around Tir Asleen, Jade let the young woman, Himani, kiss her, but nothing beyond that.

Himani's kisses burn like fire, making her skin shiver, the vampire closes her eyes as the mistress sits on her lap, opening the buttons of Jade's shirt just enough so that she could kiss her neck, warm lips slide across Jade's cold skin, making her sigh.

Her body shudders, her throat closes and she feels as if she could spit fire.

The vampire grabs the young woman in one swift motion, holding her by the neck.

Himani smiles and opens her mouth to say something.

- You don't say a word - Jade says, with a firm, dominant tone.

The vampire approaches, depositing light kisses on Himani's skin, her strong scent intoxicating her senses, she wraps her arms around her waist and thrusts her fangs out.

Himani doesn't even have time to scream before Jade's fangs pierce the firm skin of her neck, immediately releasing the vampiric toxin that serves as anesthesia to her victims.

Blood flows between Jade's teeth and tongue, filling her mouth and running down her throat like an ambrosia from the gods, reviving her cells and awakening her deepest senses.

It was like a mixture of food, alcohol and drugs, all at once. Pleasure and satisfaction coursing through her veins like a shot of adrenaline, waking her up.

Jade lets a moan escape and holds on to the woman in her arms, she closes her eyes slowly.

And there, in the darkness of her closed eyelids, she sees Kit's face, her beautiful blue eyes filled with desire, biting her lip, holding Jade's face.

Jade grunts and holds Himani tightly, she loses control, letting her wild side take over.

Something snaps in her mind, deep inside, like a scream.

Jade tries to pull away from Himani, but controlling her thirst is now extremely difficult, she fights against herself.

Himani's body becomes inert in Jade's arms and she finally manages to pull away from the woman, she falls backwards to the ground, taking a deep breath and catching her breath, she feels her hands trembling and her heart racing.

Jade takes several minutes to recover, so she gets up, wiping the blood from her face, and goes to Himani to erase the memory of that night from her mind.

But what she sees fills her with horror.

There is blood everywhere, and Himani's neck is destroyed, broken at an odd angle.

The jade heart seems to sink into her chest.

Himani is dead.

It has been ages since Jade has killed someone during her feeding, since she drank from a human until all the blood in their body dried up.

- Oh no, oh no, oh no- she despairs, taking Himani in her arms and trying to fix what she has done. - You can't die, you can't die.

It happens so fast, jade gets intensely scared, suddenly, it is not Himani who is in her arms, but Kit, there is so much blood on her, and her eyes are closed, her chest still.

A guttural scream comes out of Jade's throat and in terror, she gets up and runs away, she runs outside and for a long time, the cold wind whipping her face, the leaves and branches of the trees cutting her skin, she uses her speed to get as far away from that hut as she can.

Until she stumbles and is thrown forward, falling to the ground and hitting her chin hard on the ground, she cries out in pain.

She stands up, looking down at her hands, covered in blood and dirt.

She would just feed on Himani and erase her memories of that night, simple, easy, she had done it so many other times...

But none of the other times, Kit had appeared as an apparition in Jade's mind.

What had she done?  

We Go Down Together [ ENGLISH VERSION ]Where stories live. Discover now