10. I'm yours

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Ross's words filled Kit with impulsive courage.

And the words "impulsive" and "Kit" in the same sentence always result in something unexpected.

This time, it would be no different.

Kit bites the cuticles of her fingers, staring at the mobile phone on top of her coffee table, she had called Jade's office and the answering machine informed her that the number was temporarily disabled, so the phone company would pass a message to the owner of the number to return Kit.

Kit is waiting for Jade to return the call.

The young woman gets up, walking around her small living room, she stops by the window, looking at the street outside, people are passing by, it's six o'clock in the afternoon and everyone is leaving work and going home.

Something in the street catches her attention, two children playing with cardboard swords, the younger girl runs after her sister, laughing loudly.

And again, that glitch happens, for the third time this week, taking Kit into another world.

She is in a garden, outside a castle, near an elder tree, she has in her hands a wooden sword, and in front of her , there is a young man with a sword similar to hers, he is laughing, his hair is long and blond, and he looks a lot like Kit.

The young man attacks, wrestling with Kit and she defends herself, spinning on her feet and letting out a loud laugh.

Kit is brought back to reality and holds on to the window.

She feels something on her cheek and as she slides her fingers across it, she realizes they are tears.

Kit is crying.

She frowns, confused.

What's going on?

The phone rings loudly, startling Kit, she quickly forgets what happened and rushes to answer the phone.

- Hello good evening - Jade's voice says - Sorry about the mess with phones, I'm making some changes - She sighs - Who is it?

- I need you to meet me at the park, by the swan lake, in thirty minutes - Kit says

- Kit? - Jade asks - Why? What's wrong?

- Just meet me there- Kit says with a smile on her lips before hanging up.

She grabs her jacket and leaves the house, hurrying to catch a taxi to the park.

Kit gets there fifteen minutes later, she hurries to the swan lake and takes the time on her walk to rethink everything she has to say to Jade.

For the first time she feels like it's going to work out, with her and Jade.


Jade spots Kit, sitting on one of the benches along the lake, she's about to turn her back to leave when the young woman raises her eyes and sees her.

Ok, there's no turning back now.

Jade takes a breath and makes her way over to Kit who stands up from the bench and puts her hands together in front of her body, twiddling her fingers, nervous.

Jade bites the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling, it reminds her of when in her past life, in Wildwoods on their quest in search of Airk, Kit opened her heart to Jade for the first time, she was almost as anxious and nervous as she is now.

Jade stops in front of Kit, looking up at the beautiful woman, a genuine gleam sparks in her eyes as she cracks a smile.

- You wanted to see me?- Jade says.

- Yes- Kit says and takes a deep breath, Jade senses a rehearsed speech coming and she prepares herself.

But the speech never comes, instead Kit lets out a long sigh and looks at Jade, her expression softening and her whole body relaxing.

- You- Kit says, -are an idiot.

That elicits a laugh from Jade, Kit not shaken at any point.

- Pay attention Jade, it's important - Kit scolds her, Jade excuses herself and holds her laughter - I don't know you and I don't know what happened to you in the past, but I can see that someone hurt you a lot, you have a hard time trusting people and you try to stay away as much as possible so you don't have to open up to them - Jade realizes the direction the conversation is taking and gets nervous - But guess what, I'm not going to let you push me away like that, I came here with a whole speech prepared, but you know what? I'm not going to spare you the truth- Kit takes one of Jade's hands, making the vampire look at her -I like you, Jade, a lot, and I want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt you, and I need you to trust me- she looks at their joined hands, -I understand you're scared, but there's no reason for you to be scared, not when it comes to me.

Jade feels her heart melt inside her chest.

How could she ever say no to that? To her? When Kit is right there in front of her, exposing her vulnerability just to make Jade see that no matter how much she denies or rejects it, Kit isn't going anywhere.

Jade closes her eyes.

Maybe... Maybe she can make things right this time...

It's an almost empty hope, but Jade can't help but hope for the best.

- Listen, I understand if this is too much for you- Kit says, releasing her hand, making Jade open her eyes - I didn't mean to...

Jade steps forward and holds Kit's face in her hands, shutting her up with a kiss.

Kit seems to melt in her arms, her body relaxing quickly, she lets out a low sigh and wraps her arms around Jade's waist, drawing closer, Jade can't contain the smile on her lips.

She curls her hands through Kit's hair, sliding her nails down the skin of her neck, everything is exactly as she remembers it, the taste and softness of Kit's lips, the way she holds her, firmly and gently, the sound of her breath against her skin.

A tear trickles down Jade's face, by all the gods, she has missed this so much.

Is like finally breathing after hold her breath for a very long time.

Kit slowly pulls away, opening her eyes and flashing Jade a smile.

- So - Jade says pulling a few strands of hair from Kit's face - From what I understand, I have no choice but to give myself to you completely ?Did  I get it right?

Kit laughs and tilts her head, the look she gives Jade makes her heart clench, there is so much admiration in those eyes...

- Exactly- Kit says, holding her closer - I'm not going to let you just play with my heart like that and reject me again.

Jade feels her cheeks flush, she feels herself back in Gallador, centuries before, the day Kit first kissed her.

- Very well Miss Kit- Jade says, her voice becoming deep and low - I am all yours.

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