19. You and I

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Kit spins on her heels, smiling as Jade follows her through WIldwood, they had come to pay Jade's sister a visit, and now they had escaped from the celebration party the Bone Reavers had started.

- Are you sure your sister won't miss you? - She asks - I mean, you've already spent half the year with me, she must want you all to herself by now.

Jade smiles, reaching over and pulling Kit around her waist.

- Well, I wasn't married a year ago, so she'll have to put up with me wanting to be around my wife all the time.

Kit lets out a chuckle, her voice becoming husky, she looks at the small silver ring on Jade's finger, identical to the one resting on her own.

Two months ago, they both escaped from Tir Asleen and went to live in the middle of the forest, far away from all royal responsibilities, with Elora on the throne, Jade and Kit no longer had any duty to the kingdom, and were therefore free to do whatever they wanted.

So they eloped and married in secret, having Willow to officiate the vows and a small party at the Nelwins' Village, Mims was the one who presented them both with the rings, because at first, their wedding would be just them in the middle of the forest, until Mims found out the news and got busy making the ceremony happen.

Kit looks deep into Jade's eyes and slides her hands into her wife's curls, it was like a dream come true, Kit never imagined that someday she would be guaranteed the possibility to be with Jade, much less marry her.

But as long as only the right people knew and the rest of the world had no idea, they would be safe.

- I love you- Kit says, -so much.

Jade gives the most beautiful smile.

- If you keep talking like that I won't ever go back to the celebration- she says with her eyes on Kit's lips.

Kit bites her lips and pulls Jade to herself, kissing her tenderly, her whole body reacting to Jade's movements.

Jade lifts Kit up and lays her down on the grass, kissing her neck and collarbone, intertwining their hands, she cracks a smile as Kit begins to unbutton Jade's mantle, they both stop for an instant, Kit feels so connected to Jade, it's as if their souls are intertwined and tied forever, until the end of everything.

And when Jade says her next words, Kit feels them in her body and in her soul, like an eternal mark.

- I love you, Kit.

Kit opens her eyes slowly, they are blurred by the tears streaming down her face.

She gets up from the couch where she is, she just went to take a nap, and had another one of her visions.

This time it was much longer and deeper, so much so that she woke up crying.

Kit buries her face in her hands, she can't go through this anymore, these visions are so real and full of emotion that it is as if Kit is experiencing them for real.

She stands up, feeling tired and decides to take another bath, her heart completely heavy in her chest.

The image of her and Jade married tattooed in the back of her mind, making her crave for that.

It's silly, she knows that.


The reason Jade had left home so early was Scorpia.

Not her, exactly, but the body they both now face, lying on the river bank, a woman, with long blonde hair and a make-up that makes it clear she was a harlot, her body is half naked, only in her underwear, and her neck is torn apart.

The people around are talking loudly and crying, frightened, the police have closed off the area, but the crowd still shows up, as if it were some kind of show.

- I found her this morning - Scorpia says softly to Jade - Boorman convinced me to come running with him - She looks around.

- Did you recognize the smell? - Jade asks.

Scorpia nods and pulls her into a corner, putting her arm through hers and leaning in to speak softly.

- That's what worries me the most Jade - She says - The smell was yours.

Jade's heart freezes in her chest.

- No - She says - It's not possible, I spent the whole night with Kit...

- I know - She says - I know it wasn't you, I know the way you feed yourself, you're clean and controlled, that was done by someone out of control - She looks at her sister - But whoever it was, they're trying to blame you for it, the body was turned over when I found it, and I think it was one of Agnar's vampires who came to analyze it - She squeezes her sister's hand.

Jade feels her whole body shiver.

- I need to talk to him- she says.

- No - Scorpia interrupts her - He'll be looking for you, that's exactly what he wants.

- I'm not running away, Scorpia- Jade says, -If Agnar has some sort of implanted proof that I was here, there's no place in this world he won't find me, so I'd rather face him.

- Oh that's very good to hear then, it spares me the  fatigue - a familiar voice says from behind Jade, making her stomach clench, and she turns to face Agnar himself, with his elegant grandeur, he wears dark glasses covering his sinister golden eyes. - I must admit Jade, I didn't think that revisiting your victims was your style, but I guess all things change, don't they?

The smile the vampire gives her makes Jade's blood freeze in her veins, and for the first time in a long time, she feels truly afraid of Agnar.

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