36. Treacherous (part one)

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Kit stares at Raziel for several minutes straight, that new information settling strangely in his mind.

Ross? In love with Kit?

When did that happen?

- No - Kit says, frowning and crossing her arms - Of course not.

Raziel rolls her eyes, the woman approaches her and says:

- You Miss Kit, you need to pay more attention- She says, tucking a lock of Kit's fringes behind her ear- You're letting important things slip, things you should be paying attention to, and I don't just mean Ross.

Kit raises her eyes to Raziel, who raises her eyebrows in question, then lets out a low chuckle and asks addressing her altar:

- Can you keep promises?

Kit clears the confusion from her mind and frowns.

- Yes- she says, -Most of the time.

Raziel picks up a small box on her altar and returns it to Kit, she takes out a golden necklace, with a large flat circular pendant, like a disc, extremely familiar to Kit, there are inscriptions carved into it, Kit recognizes some protection spells.

- Promise me you will wear this and not take it off under any circumstances, ever - Raziel asks.

Kit takes the necklace, it is heavier than it looks, she appraises it, feeling it reverberate over her palm, like something alive.

- What is it? - She asks.

- It's a blood protection spell- she says, -As long as you're wearing it, no creature searching the city for the trace of magic will find you, so... - She sighs, looking at the door - You can go safely, as long as you don't take it off.

Kit cracks a smile at the news, but then she remembers something, something Professor Ronan... Graydon! Something Graydon said in one of his classes.

"A Blood spell can only be made for one person and will only work for the one to whom the blood is shed for the spell"

- Blood spells only work for one person, how.... - She looks at Raziel, with each passing hour, the seer becomes more and more of a mystery to Kit.

She had so many questions, but the woman refused to answer any of them.

- How can this spell work for me? - she inquiries.

Raziel flashes her a smile that says she knows a lot more things that Kit doesn't.

- Because that is your blood - She says in a low voice.

Kit's eyes widen, and she feels her hands tingle.

Then Kit remembers, just one of her lives Kit did a blood spell, many, many years ago with....

- You...! - She exclaims, feeling elation fill her chest .

Raziel nods, cracking a huge smile.

- It took you a long time to recognize me, huh? - she says.

- How? - Kit inquires -how did you...

- You're not the only one capable of reincarnation, dear Kit- she says and puts her hands on the young woman's shoulder, guiding her to the door.- Now go, don't keep your lover waiting too long.

Kit turns and hugs Raziel tightly, tears of emotion filling her eyes.

- Thank you- she whispers, -thank you for everything you've done for me.

- Don't say it like it's goodbye- Raziel says, -I'm not going anywhere.

Kit turns away and smiles, watching the woman who changed her entire existence a century and a half ago.

Her chest fills with hope and joy as she says one last goodbye to Raziel and then turns, heading out the front door of the house.

Making her way as quickly as possible to Jade's apartment.

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