18. Holy

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Jade is the first to wake up, she opens her eyes to a mess of blankets and red hair.

She gets up, climbing out of the wormhole that has become her bed, Kit is sleeping on the other end, completely uncovered and with one arm and half her face sticking out of the bed.

Jade sighs and turns around, taking the woman on her lap and laying her properly on the bed, placing the blanket over her.

Then she turns and checks the mess Kit made last night, most of her clothes lying on the floor.

She lets out a long sigh, picking up the items and folding them back into the closet.

The task takes long minutes, long enough for Kit to wake up, she wakes coughing, rising to her feet, her hair a nest of knots, one of the bra straps completely off her shoulder, she looks around, dragging her feet to Jade's black sweatshirt that is on the chair.

She puts it on and walks into the bathroom, using Jade's brush to comb her hair.

Jade watches silently as Kit puts on her pants and approaches her, placing a kiss on her lips before leaving the room.


Kit walks slowly down the stairs, her head like a bomb, beating like a heart, everything hurts, her elbow has a huge bruise and so do her knees, and her throat is dry as a desert.

Kit pulls up the hood of her sweatshirt and crawls into the kitchen, grabbing the pitcher of water from Jade's fridge and filling a glass for herself.

She turns around, going to sit on the counter.

But she stops halfway when she sees an object next to the fruit tray.

It is the bottle that was with her the night before, someone has picked up the shards and glued them together very horribly, making the bottle look crooked.

Kit takes the bottle in her hands.

How did this get here?

It can't have been her, because even though she was very drunk, Kit remembers every detail of the night before.

A shiver runs down her spine.

She hears Jade coming down the stairs and quickly shoves the bottle down the waste pipe in the wall, the bottle makes a sickening sound as it slides down the metal pipe into the depths of the building.

Jade appears in the kitchen doorway, wearing baggy pants and a tight-fitting white tank top, Kit leans against the wall, her glass of water in her hands.

Jade opens the cupboard, picking up the pot of coffee powder, she turns on the countertop and stops when she sees a shard of glass that had fallen from the bottle Kit had just thrown in the trash.

- Did you break something yesterday? - She asks, taking the shard in her hand.

- No - Kit says, putting the glass in the sink, she pulls up the sleeves of her blouse to cover her hands, Jade likes loose-fitting clothes, so this sweatshirt looks giant on her.

Jade throws the shard into the sink, she looks at Kit.]

- Hey, are you okay? - she asks.

Kit nods and moves closer, hugging Jade and burying her face in her neck.

- I'm just tired- she whispers.

Jade strokes her hair, and rests her chin on top of Kit's head.

- Stay here if you want- she says, -I have some appointments today, but I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?

Kit grumbles and turns away just enough to see the marks she has left on Jade's neck.

Shame immediately covers her from head to toe and she feels shy, she had forgotten about her failed attempt to sleep with Jade last night.

By the seven gods.

Not that she would regret it, it was worth the attempt.

The truth is, Kit has been thinking about it a lot in the last week, but she feels shy about it, because Jade seems like someone so sure of herself and so... dominant in their relationship.

And besides, Kit has a very short range of experience, she has only been with a girl once in her life, when she was 16, and it was not the kind of experience she expected.

Jade turns away from Kit and goes back to making her coffee, Kit watches her, enchanted by the being that roamed the kitchen, concentrating on her task, the sun rays coming in through the windows reflected on Jade's red curls, making her glow like a sun.

Kit's heart races in her chest, a set of words gathering on the tip of her tongue, ready to be spoken aloud.

And she almost lets them escape when Jade looks at her and smiles, the smile that lights up her whole face and makes her look like a goddess.

Kit is so much in love that it is now extremely difficult to hide.

Kit smiles back at Jade and goes back to drinking her water, occupying her mouth with something other than saying the words "I love you" to Jade.

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